
Arise Detroit District Clears Site for Municipal Equestrian Center

Arise Detroit District Clears Site for Municipal Equestrian Center

(WXYZ) — Today, Arise Detroit launched “My Neighborhood Matters,” a new campaign to promote and celebrate residents in the city’s neighborhoods.

At the intersection of Fenkell and Linwood, Arise Detroit conducted a neighborhood cleanup this morning, with Detroit Horsepower as the driving force.

“Detroit Horsepower is a 501C nonprofit organization that teaches Detroit kids how to ride and care for horses,” said David Silver, founder and CEO of Detroit Horsepower.

Silver and his team of volunteers took part in the clean-up effort.

“We’ve partnered with Arise Detroit and participated in … Neighborhood Day since at least 2017, so being a part of our neighborhood and improving our community is really a core commitment of Detroit Horsepower, especially as we get ready to put down roots by building the largest urban equestrian facility in the country,” he said.

VIDEO: Detroit Municipal Equestrian Center Plan Moves Forward

Detroit Horse Power’s plan to build a municipal equestrian center in Detroit

The facility will be built on 14 acres. Llondon Shivers, one of the volunteers, is proud to be part of the clean-up campaign and excited that the project will be realized.

“We collected four garbage bags, we collected glass, bottles, paper, plastic, we collected everything you can think of. I even collected dental floss, I don’t know who throws dental floss out the window,” Shivers said.

The 16-year-old started cleaning at 10 a.m. and finished his mission just before noon.

“After today’s event, what is the single most important thing you’ve learned?” asked Faraz Javed, a reporter for 7 News Detroit.

“Seriously, don’t litter, guys… that’s a lot. And shout out to all the volunteers who came to pick up trash, and even they don’t clean up, shout out to all of you,” Shivers said.

Shivers said she plans to pursue medicine.

“Oh really? Man, that’s amazing. When you become a doctor, will you still do this?” Javed asked.

“It was probably fun, I wouldn’t mind helping out every now and then, like picking up trash and helping the community. It wasn’t that bad, so probably yes,” Shivers said.

“We’re all in this together, taking care of each other. We all want a beautiful community, and by doing that together, Arise Detroit is really bringing people together to make a difference,” Silver said.

Silver says the Detroit Horsepower municipal equestrian center will have a groundbreaking event in October and construction will be completed by 2026. To learn more, click here: