
MTN Uganda Announces Launch of Phase 2 of MTN Changemakers Initiative with UGX500 Million Investment – ​​

MTN Uganda Announces Launch of Phase 2 of MTN Changemakers Initiative with UGX500 Million Investment – ​​

MTN Uganda, through the MTN Foundation, is proud to announce the launch of the second phase of the MTN Changemakers initiative, a transformational programme aimed at driving positive social change in Uganda.

Under this new phase, we will invest UGX 500 million to support 25 new projects in 20 districts across different regions including Kampala, Buganda, Bunyoro, Toro, Ankole, Kigezi, West Nile, Lango, Acholi, Karamoja, Teso, Elgon, North Bukedi and Busoga. This will build on the success of the first phase.

The MTN Changemakers initiative, which began in July last year, is a reflection of MTN Uganda’s deep commitment to supporting and empowering communities in line with its Ambition 2025 strategy.

The aim of the initiative is to identify and support exceptional individuals and groups who make significant contributions to their communities, creating a knock-on effect of progress and development.

This development follows on from the first phase in which the MTN Foundation invested UGX 500 million, supporting 25 projects in five regions of Uganda and impacting the lives of 165,000 people.

This investment has had a significant impact on key areas such as water and sanitation, education, health and environment. Highlights include:
Faces Up Uganda: A youth-based organisation in Masanafu, Rubaga Division that supports young people in developing creative skills, helping them turn their talents into a source of livelihood.

The work of the organisation under the leadership of Emmanuel Kalule Ssekito has contributed to increasing self-confidence and developing skills among the youth.
St. Joseph’s Aid Society: An organization operating in the Kyankwanzi District of Western Uganda that supports orphaned students by providing them with education, lodging, and food.

This initiative has provided essential resources such as beds, as well as meeting additional needs such as purchasing new toilets, reflecting the resilience and hope of students.

Karamoja Youth Center: A project in partnership with Tocau Karamoja and the Nabilatuk District Government, transforming a former detention centre into a dynamic youth centre offering digital literacy and education. Equipped with modern facilities including a computer lab and internet connectivity, the centre has been met with enthusiasm by local youth.

The MTN Foundation’s investment in the second phase will focus on expanding impact in key areas: economic empowerment, education, health, water and environment.

This commitment is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 3 (Good health and well-being), SDG 4 (Quality education), SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation), SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth) and SDG 10 (Reduced inequality).

“MTN Uganda remains deeply committed to complementing government efforts and strengthening community development,” said MTN Uganda CEO Sylvia Mulinge. “Our goal is to empower communities to realize their vision and support collaboration for sustainable development.”

HE Lulama Lulu” Marytheresa Xingwana, Trustee of MTN Uganda Foundation, who also serves as the High Commissioner of South Africa to Uganda, said MTN Uganda remains steadfast in its mission to make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of the communities in which it operates.

“Our focus is on supporting those in need and ensuring that no community is left behind,” he said, adding that MTN is driven by its commitment to supporting the cause of the marginalized and creating opportunities for them to thrive.

Future change makers at MTN can submit their applications via or submit a paper copy at MTN Uganda service centres across the country.

He added that MTN Uganda strongly believes that every person deserves a chance to develop, regardless of their circumstances or background.

Over the past decade, the MTN Foundation has invested over UGX 30 billion in over 250 projects, significantly strengthening communities across the country.