
How to know when it’s time to start therapy

How to know when it’s time to start therapy

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People go to therapy for many reasons. A difficult life event, trauma, emotional turmoil, relationship problems, poor mental health: all of these can lead someone to seek it.

Whatever the cause, it can be difficult to decide if and when therapy is right for you.

If you’re reading this, it’s probably time. If you’re considering therapy, you’re probably worried about something and want help. Consider this a sign that you should reach out.

If you’re still not sure, read on.

Why therapy?

Sometimes our minds work against us. Therapy can help you understand why you think, feel, or act the way you do. AND we will equip you with the skills necessary to think, feel and act more healthily.

This includes assistance with:

  • identify, understand and overcome internal obstacles
  • identify and challenge the thought patterns and beliefs that hold you back
  • improve your mental health
  • cope with mental illness
  • and make lasting changes to your thinking and behavior that can improve all areas of your life.

When your mental health suffers

Everyone experiences negative emotions during difficult times—like sadness after a breakup or anxiety before a major life event. But when do these feelings become problematic? When you have poor mental health.

Mental health and mental illness are separate but related concepts. Mental health refers to the inner resources you have to cope with the ups and downs of life. You have good mental health if you enjoy life; feel connected to others; cope well with stress; and have a sense of purpose, self, and strong relationships.

If you have poor mental health, it can be difficult to adjust to changes such as a breakup, moving, loss, or parenthood. Therapy can help you improve your mental health, develop resilience, and maintain a state of well-being.

Mental illness refers to distressing disturbances of thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that interfere with daily life. There are different types of mental illness, each characterized by different thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Mental illness can manifest itself as:

  • Hopelessness—you feel trapped, unmotivated, and helpless.

  • Apathy—feeling a lack of interest in things that once gave you satisfaction and pleasure.

  • Anger—feelings of rage or resentment that are especially frequent or disproportionate.

  • Stress—you feel overwhelmed, you can’t cope, you don’t want to rest, or you feel that everything is difficult (even though you know it shouldn’t be).

  • Fault—feeling ashamed, not deserving good things, or deserving bad things.

  • Bow—worrying about what has happened or what might happen, or having disturbing, intrusive thoughts.

  • Exhaustion—you sleep longer than usual, have difficulty getting out of bed, or lack energy during the day.

  • Insomnia—having difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

Both poor mental health and mental illness are equally good reasons to seek therapy.

Ask yourself: Am I having difficulty coping with life’s challenges?

If the answer is yes, therapy may be for you.

People often deal with the feelings listed above in different ways. Some may gain or lose a lot of weight. Others may seek out or do things that are unhealthy for them, such as entering into a toxic relationship, engaging in unsafe activities, developing unhealthy habits, or procrastinating. Others may isolate themselves from friends and family or catastrophize and dwell on negative experiences.

No matter how it manifests, mental illness often worsens if left untreated. It can have a very real impact on your life, potentially leading to unemployment, relationship breakdown, poor physical health, substance abuse, homelessness, incarceration, and even suicide.

Ask yourself: Does mental illness negatively impact my functioning and well-being?

If the answer is yes, therapy may be for you.

What if therapy hasn’t worked before?

Many people put off going to therapy because they think their problems aren’t that serious. However, you don’t need to have a compelling reason to start therapy.

Some people go to therapy to learn more about themselves. Some to improve their skills, relationships, or productivity. Others go for help with achieving their goals or because they are unhappy and don’t know why. Any of these are good reasons to start therapy, even if they don’t seem like “problems” in the traditional sense. You may go to therapy simply because there is something about yourself or your life that you would like to explore.

Therapy is a process. Whether psychotherapy works for you depends on many factors, such as time, effort, and your psychologist.

There is no quick fix for mental health issues. Symptoms can take weeks, months, or even years to subside. While it can be frustrating or discouraging, for therapy to work, you need to give it time.

Sometimes people go to therapy but are skeptical or resistant. Therapy won’t work if you’re not committed to it. For therapy to work, you have to put in the work.

Therapy is a sensitive process, so finding a psychologist you trust and get along well with is key. Psychologists also have different specializations and approaches. For therapy to work, you need to find the right therapist for you.

What if I’m not ready?

There are several reasons why now may not be the right time to start therapy. Maybe therapy is out of your budget. Maybe you have other priorities. Maybe you are afraid to relive the trauma. That is okay. Therapy can be expensive and difficult, but it can also be rewarding. Just because now is not the right time doesn’t mean there never will be a good time.

If you don’t want to start therapy, don’t. But it can be helpful to figure out why you don’t want to.

You may not want to go to therapy because you worry about what others will think. If so, remember that people are often more understanding than you might expect, and there is nothing wrong with investing in your health or happiness.

If you are struggling with your mental health, know that you are not alone. Mental health issues are common. Having them or seeking therapy does not mean there is something “wrong” with you.

Mental illness affects 970 million people and is the leading cause of disability worldwide. One in five adults and more than one in 10 children and adolescents suffer from a mental illness. About 15% of Canadians use mental health services each year.

Don’t let stigma stop you from improving your life and well-being. Everyone deserves a healthy, fulfilling life. Therapy can help you do that.

Brought to you by The Conversation

This article is reprinted from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Quote:How to Know When It’s Time to Start Therapy (2024, August 11) retrieved August 11, 2024 from

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