
Horoscopes: September 20-26, 2024 – Philadelphia Gay News

Horoscopes: September 20-26, 2024 – Philadelphia Gay News

Illustration by Ash Cheshire.

Aries: The Sun and Mercury enter your partnership sector for the next four weeks. It’s time to focus on relationships of all kinds. Collaboration is very important, and it’s rare that you’ll accomplish anything extraordinary on your own during this time. You’re getting out of your own head when you talk to people. As Venus enters Scorpio, relationships are further intensified by the energy of the eighth house. You strengthen bonds through personal revelations. Intimacy, vulnerability, and admissions are common. Be transparent about your desires, be honest with yourself, ask for help when you need it, and accept that help gracefully when it comes.

Astrological friends of the week: Libra, Capricorn

General mood this week: Love 5/5, Career 4/5, Friendship 5/5

Bull: The Sun and Mercury in Venus-ruled Libra feel more comfortable this season. You feel settled enough in yourself to focus on the details and make some self-improvement moves. This four-week period has the potential to set you on a new path of improved habits and routines that will bring you closer to a practical goal. The theme is improvement. Venus moves into your opposite sign of Scorpio and turns up the heat on relationships. Emotions are intense, and reasons are ancient and deep. This brings great insight that can help you connect with yourself and others. You need to be willing to have an encounter or two with things you consider taboo. Judgment and reservations only create stagnation. Be different, be rebellious.

Astrological friends of the week: Sagittarius, Scorpio

General mood this week: Love 5/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 5/5

Twins: This is where things get interesting. The Sun and your ruler Mercury enter Libra this season. This brings a renewed drive and confidence to your life. Rediscover your passion for creativity and self-fulfillment by trying new things, being playful, and stepping into the spotlight a little. You don’t mind the attention. Don’t be reserved with your feelings, as Venus enters Scorpio and reminds you how deep your feelings are, even when you’re playing at being shallow. Romance is now ignited by shared goals and collaboration.

Astrological friends of the week: Scorpio, Sagittarius

General mood this week: Love 5/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 5/5

Cancer: You are looking for a sense of belonging and space to be yourself as the sun and Mercury enter Libra. You may need to engage in healthy debate and advocate for your perspective with partners and family members. You feel better knowing that you have spoken up and shared what is on your mind, even if it is uncomfortable. You have proven to yourself that you have your back. Venus enters Scorpio and revives your creativity and expression. Your aura can be quite powerful and you may embrace a more showy or eccentric side of yourself. In romance, you are very attractive to others, but you need to use your best judgment.

Astrological friends of the week: Aries, Cancer

General mood this week: Love 4/5, Career 4/5, Friendship 4/5

Lion: With the sun and Mercury in Libra this season, it’s a good time to prioritize connecting with others by creating or maintaining connections. Practice good listening, show that you care, and be a positive influence on others. Maybe take a break from social media and focus on real life or improve your texting. Venus enters Scorpio and you’ll find more value in respect and loyalty than in showy displays or gifts. Subtlety (not mystery) is an intriguing new concept.

Astrological friends of the week: Sagittarius, Libra

General mood this week: Love 4/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 5/5

Virgin: The Sun and Mercury enter Libra for a season in which your second house is prominent. During this time, you seek stability and predictability above all else. After a period of traveling, experimenting, and going with the flow, you feel ready to set your own schedule and stick to things that are familiar to you. As Venus enters Scorpio, you feel a deep desire to be truly seen and understood in your relationships. You are less willing to compromise or accept something that is nice but shallow. You would prefer a little dirt to accompany authenticity.

Astrological friends of the week: Scorpio, Pisces

General mood this week: Love 5/5, Career 4/5, Friendship 5/5

Libra: There is much to celebrate as your solar season begins in alignment with Mercury, the planet of communication. There is favorable energy for self-improvement, communication, and reinvention. Your mental energy is sharp and you are successful in the things you focus on. Learning, studying, and public affairs seem to flow smoothly and naturally, without too much artifice or editing. Your ruling planet, Venus, enters Scorpio and highlights your privacy sector, where your relationships, especially romantic ones, may take on a more discreet tone. Your emotions may sometimes pass you by; it is good to meditate and focus on your true desires or intentions.

Astrological friends of the week: Sagittarius, Gemini

General mood this week: Love 5/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 5/5

Scorpio: The Sun and Mercury align in Libra for the season, starting this week. There is a sense of letting go of the past and realizing the trap of nostalgia. You are likely to speak honestly and truthfully. Things seem fleeting, but not in a bad way. When Venus squares your ruler Pluto on the 22nd, you may see romantic partnerships as more of a challenge than a partnership. Venus enters your sign for an extended stay, during which you are quite magnetic to others, and your emotions are deep and intense. Fortunately, once you overcome any fleeting hostile thoughts, you will have great luck in friendships and romances.

Astrological friends of the week: Taurus, Libra

General mood this week: Love 5/5, Career 3/5, Friendship 5/5

Gunman: Things feel a bit more casual and general as the Sun and Mercury align in Libra for the season to highlight your 11th house of friend groups, networking, and ideas. This can work out better for you if you don’t take things too personally this cycle; people live in their own little realities. Venus in your privacy sector means you’re probably not looking for a new love. You’d rather stick with what you know.

Astrological friends of the week: Libra, Aquarius

General mood this week: Love 2/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 4/5

Capricorn: The sun and Mercury align in Libra, and you feel inspired to work hard, stand out, and do something you’re proud of. Your focus is on building skills and tangible results over the next four weeks. You can be quite matter-of-fact in your communication. In the romance department, you’re looking to play the role of protector and breadwinner. You want to make those close to you feel they can do anything they put their minds to.

Astrological friends of the week: Pisces, Capricorn

General mood this week: Love 5/5, Career 5/5, Friendship 4/5

Aquarius: Your sense of adventure is reignited, and your need for experimentation leads you toward creativity and a few calculated risks. The Sun and Mercury in Libra underscore these ideas for the next four weeks. Meanwhile, Venus in Scorpio shows you that you learn deeply from those around you. Your relationships are places of challenge and growth. The people you meet by chance become important in some way.

Astrological friends of the week: Gemini, Aries

General mood this week: Love 4/5, Career 4/5, Friendship 5/5

Fish: You are entering a period of self-exploration where you truly enjoy your unique inner machinations and can truly indulge your eccentricities. The Sun and Mercury align in Libra to increase your self-confidence and self-awareness. You are feeling deliberate in your actions toward the goal of breaking bad habits and negative cycles. Intimacy, psychic energy, and exploration are powerful themes for the next four weeks. Venus in Scorpio gives you a taste of adventures in love.

Astrological friends of the week: Scorpio, Leo

General mood this week: Love 5/5, Career 4/5, Friendship 5/5