Udne Ki Aasha, a Star Plus TV show produced by Rolling Tale Productions, is a gripping drama featuring Paresh (Sanjay Narvekar) who has three blockages in his heart and needs an immediate angioplasty. The family struggled to raise a whopping amount of Rs 4 lakhs and more for the surgery. With time running out and Paresh in a critical condition, we came to know about Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) who decided to sell his car. He brought the money to the hospital but the hospital needed more money apart from the surgeon’s fee. We saw Renuka and Tejas giving their golden possessions to Sachin and asking him for money. On the other hand, Sailee (Neha Harsora) performed Maha Mrityunjay Jaap for Paresh and brought a sacred thread to tie it on Paresh’s wrist. However, she witnessed a huge drama when Sachin forbade Akash from seeing his father.

In the upcoming episode, Sailee will discreetly go to the ICU to see Paresh. As we know, Paresh has been a strong pillar of support for Sailee in her marriage and she will break down seeing Paresh in such a condition. She will pray to God, tie a thread in Paresh’s hand and quietly leave the room.

Thanks to the money donated to the hospital, they will now be able to focus on Paresh’s surgery.

Will the family breathe a sigh of relief once Paresh feels better?

Set against the backdrop of Marathi, Udne Ki Aasha is a series on Star Plus that showcases the hurdles faced by a wife when her husband is uncooperative and the challenge she faces to change for the sake of her and her family. Kanwar Dhillon plays the role of Sachin, who is a taxi driver and earns a living while Neha Harsora plays the role of Sailee, a florist who runs various small businesses and earns a living through other chores, in Udne Ki Aasha.