
Your answers to this relationship quiz will determine the strength of your relationship.

Your answers to this relationship quiz will determine the strength of your relationship.

No one and no relationship is perfect. Just as we all have room to improve our physical fitness and could all benefit from strength training, working on the “fitness” of our most important relationships is crucial to the long-term health of our relationships.

Before you start a new path to improving your well-being, it’s important to determine your current level of fitness so you know in which areas you’re doing great, in which you’re doing quite well, and in which areas you could still improve.

The Relationship Health Checkup will help you determine the greatest strengths of your relationship as well as what needs improvement.

This Relationship Skills Test will assess your proficiency in 25 key relationship skills, helping you better understand what you and your partner can already do really well and what you could each work on.


Take the quiz HERE.

Relationship Health is the overall health and strength of the relationships in your life.

This applies to romantic relationships, relationships with family and friends, relationships at work, and even your relationship with yourself.

It’s easy to get motivated to get in shape when you have a big event or the summer season coming up and you want to look your best. And while it’s nice to see yourself looking better and better as you get in shape, the better you feel emotionally, mentally, and physically — and the benefits you get in terms of longevity — are a huge reward for being in shape.

The same is true when it comes to the health of a relationship.

RELATED: Giving up this one thing is the best thing anyone can do for their relationship.

Scientists have proven that the health of a relationship has a greater impact than physical and mental health.

“The longest-running study of adult development, the Harvard Study of Adult Development, spans multiple generations, and the best predictor of health at age 80 is the quality of relationships at age 50,” Mark Groves, a relationship expert and founder of Create the Love, co-author of Liberated Love: Release Codependent Patterns and Create the Love You Desire, told YourTango co-founder and CEO Andrea Miller.

During an interview for our upcoming free The Peak of Relationship Fitness where you can reserve a place to transform yourself and feel the love, trust, and abundance you deserve in your relationships without leaving your home. Groves summed it up perfectly:

“Relationship mastery is the single most impactful thing you will do in your life. It will transcend your mental health, your physical health, etc. Because when you do things like pattern identification—I think it’s important to emphasize that often, until we do it differently, we see patterns as who we are, we see patterns as beliefs about ourselves. For example, ‘I am a perfectionist.’ No, you are not. You have just developed perfectionism as an adaptive strategy.”

While healthy relationships play a huge role in our lives, there is no easy way to determine how strong a relationship is—that’s where the Relationship Health Test comes in.

RELATED: 7 Cheat Codes for an Instantly Happier Relationship, According to Psychology

It will take you five minutes to do this Relationship Skills QuizYou will be asked to rate yourself and your partner in 25 key areas of relationship health:

1. Trust

2. Empathy

3. Loyalty

4. Reliability

5. Prioritization

6. Boundaries

7. Emotional Validation

8. Kindness

9. Communication

10. Curiosity

11. Being truly seen and heard

12. Effort

13. Gratitude

14. Honesty

15. Physical Security

16. Fun!

17. Conflict Level

18. The seriousness of the conflict

19. Conflict Resolution Ability

20. Criticism

21. Responsibility

22. Respect

23. Non-intimate physical contact

24. Intimacy

25. Satisfaction

You’ll receive a detailed report that highlights your strengths and weaknesses, as well as tips on actions you can take to make your relationship stronger than ever.

The more honest you are, the more helpful your results will be. And if your partner does too, you can compare your results to see how well you’re aligned and where you have room to be more on the same page. Get ready to feel happier, healthier, and more in love (and loved!) than ever!

You can easily take the quiz right now and get your results in less than 5 minutes. Then you’ll know exactly what to do to make your relationship great. We believe in you.

For more information, sign up at free virtual relationship fitness summitSeptember 25-28, where you will have the opportunity to learn:

  • The proven tools, skills, and strategies you need to improve the health of your relationships in ALL the key areas of your life: at work, with your family and friends, in your love life, and most importantly, with yourself.
  • The immense power of a good relationship and how it is crucial not only to your happiness, longevity, health and emotional well-being, but also to your financial well-being.
  • The power of deep listening, responsibility and curiosity to build exceptional relationships.
  • … and much more!

RELATED: Longtime Couples Therapist Reveals 10 Behaviors That Make a Relationship Last

Editor-in-Chief Arianna Jeret, MA/MSWis an author, former family law mediator, and recognized expert in the field of relationships and conflict resolution. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post, Yahoo, MSN, Bustle, Parents, and more.