
Social media explodes after president asks Jill Biden to speak at cabinet meeting: ‘All yours, child’

Social media explodes after president asks Jill Biden to speak at cabinet meeting: ‘All yours, child’

Social media exploded after First Lady Jill Biden gave a presentation during what could be one of President Biden’s final cabinet meetings at the White House.

Biden convened his Cabinet on Friday for the first time since Oct. 2, 2023 — this time with the first lady joining him to discuss the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research.

The president explained Jill Biden’s presence at these meetings by saying: “Here and in previous administrations, first ladies have attended these meetings for specific reasons. This is the first time that Jill has joined us, and it shows how important the subject matter is that she is about to speak about.”

He concluded by handing the floor over to his wife and saying, “It’s all yours, boy.”

U.S. First Lady Jill Biden speaks during her first cabinet meeting under her husband, President Joe Biden, at the White House, September 20, 2024 in Washington, DC. Jill Biden spoke about the progress of the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research.


The New York Post reported that Jill Biden, sitting at the head of the Cabinet Room table, “read a brief on maternal health initiatives for four and a half minutes after her husband spoke for just two minutes at the start of the meeting.”


The president traditionally sits in the center of the table, with cabinet members seated in the order in which their respective departments were created. The last sitting first lady to attend her husband’s cabinet meeting appears to have been Hillary Clinton.

The first lady’s influence over Joe Biden, and thus his administration, has been a frequent source of controversy, and many commentators took to social media to criticize her presence at the meeting.

According to the New York Post, Jill Biden is “considered by insiders to be the most influential first lady since Edith Wilson, who tightly controlled access to her husband, President Woodrow Wilson, after he suffered a debilitating stroke in October 1919.”

Digital strategist Greg Price referenced this comparison, saying, “She’s literally Edith Wilson, except she’s on full display in a 24/7 news cycle, and no one in the media cares.”

“Wow. Joe Biden, visibly exhausted, just held his first full cabinet meeting in 11 months and immediately handed the microphone over to his wife, Jill,” said Steve Cortes, a former adviser to former President Donald Trump. He then asked, “Who’s running the country?”

Political commentator Kate Hyde observed: “Jill Biden kicks off the first White House cabinet meeting in nearly a year and we’re expected to act like it’s normal.”

“Jill Biden is at the head of the table at the cabinet meeting. No one voted for her to be there… that must be part of her deal to get Joe out of the race,” podcaster Tim Young speculated. “She has no business being there.”


The Federalist co-founder Sean Davis quipped: “I didn’t know our constitutional system of government gave any power to the unelected wife of the president of the republic.”

“It’s insane that the world’s leading nuclear superpower has found itself in a power vacuum,” said T. Becket Adams, a columnist for The Hill. “It’s even more insane that that vacuum has been filled by the wife of the former leader, who has no legal authority over the country.”

“Is that true?” asked Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley. “Is he the one running the country?”

“Before President Biden briefed his Cabinet and the country on the continued accomplishments of the most successful administration in modern history, he asked the First Lady to join the meeting to showcase the groundbreaking work they are doing to fundamentally change the way we fund and approach women’s health research,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates told Fox News Digital.

“If the only response from these critics is conspiracy theories that devalue historic advances in women’s health research — including terrible diseases — then that says a lot about why more and more American women feel like the right doesn’t care about them, including when it promotes sweeping abortion bans,” he added, while also noting Hawley’s escape from the Capitol on January 6.

Source of the original article: Social media explodes after president asks Jill Biden to speak at cabinet meeting: ‘All yours, child’