
Storms with marble-sized hail expected in Washington County on Saturday

Storms with marble-sized hail expected in Washington County on Saturday

At 12:39 p.m. Saturday, the National Weather Service issued a severe thunderstorm warning for Washington County that could last until 1:15 p.m.

Storms are producing wind gusts up to 40 mph and pellet-sized hail (0.5 inch).

“At 12:39 p.m., Doppler radar was tracking a severe thunderstorm over Washington, D.C., moving east at 15 mph,” the weather service said. “Gusting winds could down tree branches and blow around unsecured structures. Minor vegetation damage from hail is possible.”

Locations under the alert include McMurray, Washington, Canonsburg, Wolfdale, McGovern, East Washington, Houston, Eighty Four, Cokeburg, Beallsville, Scenery Hill, Green Hills and Meadow Lands. This includes the following highways: Interstate 70 in Pennsylvania between mile markers 13 and 29. Interstate 79 in Pennsylvania between mile markers 28 and 46.

According to the weather service, “If you are outside, consider sheltering indoors.”

How to Protect Yourself from Approaching Lightning: Expert Safety Tips

Lightning strikes the United States about 25 million times each year, with most of these electrifying events occurring during the summer months. Tragically, lightning is responsible for about 20 deaths per year, according to the Weather Service. The threat from lightning increases as storms approach, peaking when the storm is directly overhead and gradually weakening as it moves away.

To protect yourself during a storm, consider the following recommendations:

Lightning Safety Plan:

  • When going outdoors, have a clear plan for how to find shelter in the event of a storm.
  • Monitor the sky for signs of danger and listen for the sound of thunder. If thunder is heard, it is a sign that lightning is nearby.
  • Immediately seek shelter in a safe place, preferably indoors.

Indoor safety measures:

  • Once you have found shelter indoors, refrain from using landlines, electrical appliances, and plumbing fixtures, and stay away from windows and doors.
  • These precautions help reduce the risk of electrical surges because lightning can travel along conductive paths.

Wait for the alarm signal:

  • After the last lightning strike or thunder, wait at least 30 minutes before resuming outdoor activity.
  • Keep in mind that lightning can strike even after a storm has passed, so exercise caution.

When it is not possible to take shelter in an enclosed space:

If you find yourself outdoors during a storm and do not have access to shelter in your home, take these steps to ensure your maximum safety:

  • Avoid open fields, hilltops, and mountain ridges as they are more susceptible to lightning strikes.
  • Stay away from tall, isolated trees and other visible objects. In wooded areas, stay close to lower tree stands.
  • If you are traveling with a group, make sure that members of the group keep a greater distance from each other to prevent lightning current from spreading between people.
  • Camping outdoors during a thunderstorm is strongly discouraged. If you have no alternative, camp in a valley, ravine, or other low-lying areas. Remember that a tent does not provide protection against lightning.
  • Do not go near bodies of water, wet objects, or metal objects. Although water and metal do not attract lightning, they conduct electricity effectively and can pose a significant risk.

In conclusion, when faced with a lightning threat, preparation and vigilance are your best allies. By following these guidelines, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of lightning-related incidents and prioritize your safety.

Driving on Rainy Roads: Wet Weather Safety Tips

Heavy rains can lead to flooding if they are prolonged or if excessive runoff occurs. Excessive runoff can be the result of ground saturation and/or rainfall intensity. Follow these weather service recommendations to stay safe during heavy rains:

Beware of rapid water flow:

Avoid parking or walking near culverts and drainage ditches as fast-flowing water during heavy rain could sweep you away.

Keep a safe distance while driving:

Use the two-second rule to keep a safe distance from the car in front of you, and in heavy rain add an extra two seconds.

Slow down and be careful:

On wet roads, reducing speed is key. Gradually release the gas pedal and avoid heavy braking to avoid skidding.

Choose your lane wisely:

Stay in the middle lane – water often collects in the outside lanes.

Visibility priority

Improve visibility during heavy rain by turning on your headlights. Be especially vigilant for vehicles in your blind spots, as rain-covered windows can obscure them.

Beware of slippery roads:

The first half hour of rain is when roads are most slippery due to a mix of rain, dirt, and oil. Be especially careful during this time.

Keep a safe distance from large vehicles:

Large trucks and buses can reduce visibility by spraying their tires. Avoid tailgating and pass them quickly and safely.

Remember your wipers:

Heavy rain can overload your wipers. When visibility is so limited that the edges of the road or other vehicles are not visible from a safe distance, it’s time to pull over and wait for the rain to stop. It’s best to stop in parking lots or other protected areas.

If stopping on the hard shoulder is your only option, park your vehicle as far back from the road as possible, preferably beyond the guardrails. Turn on your headlights and hazard warning lights to warn other drivers of your position.

By following these safety measures, you can significantly reduce your risk and ensure your well-being during heavy rain. Keep up to date with weather conditions and follow local government advice to ensure your trip is safe.

Advance Local Weather Alerts is a service provided by United Robots that uses machine learning to compile the latest data from the National Weather Service.