
6 Clear Signs Your Partner Is Still Not Over Their Ex

6 Clear Signs Your Partner Is Still Not Over Their Ex

Bouncebacks can be new beginnings, but they can also spell disaster. reflection relationship This is when you break up with your partner and enter into a new relationship with someone else to fill that void. While a rebound relationship can be ideal in rare cases, if the intention is to get over a broken heart, it is not the healthiest or most comfortable choice. After a relationship ends, we all need time and space to move forward, but people who enter a relationship right after a breakup may be looking for someone to fill the void and seek attention.
Here are 6 clear signs you’re in a rebound relationship:

They always talk about their ex

If your partner keeps talking about their recent breakup and rants about how their relationship ended, how their ex treated them, and is still fascinated by their ex, it’s a clear sign that they’re just looking for a rebound. They’re not looking for a real relationship; they just want someone to fill that void and give them attention.

Commitment Issues

If your partner doesn’t talk about the future or is always uncertain about the relationship, then they are not thinking about a long-term relationship. If they have commitment issues, it is definitely because of a recent breakup and they are not ready for a permanent relationship due to past trauma.

I’m looking for physical closeness

If your partner is constantly looking for you physical closeness and physical intimacy leads to sex early in the relationship, it means your partner is just trying to satisfy their needs and doesn’t take the relationship seriously.

Constant need for attention

After breaking up with a former partner, they look for a replacement who will fulfill their permanent duties. need for attention. Your partner will act pushy and desperate, seeking your attention so they don’t have to deal with their own problems.

Comparison with the former

If your partner is constantly comparing you or your actions to their ex, it is a clear sign that they are looking for a rebound and still can’t get over their ex. Comparing them to your ex will only make you feel insecure and not good enough.


If you think something is wrong and you have doubts about your relationship, if you try to communicate with them, they avoid confrontation or become defensive. They are not thinking about a committed relationship or they are not thinking about you as a long-term partner.

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