
Shabbat Hike + High Holiday Tashlich with Beth Ami Humanistic Jewish Congregation – Boulder Jewish News

Shabbat Hike + High Holiday Tashlich with Beth Ami Humanistic Jewish Congregation – Boulder Jewish News

The Jewish New Year is a time of reflection and renewal. Begin your personal process with a High Holiday Tashlich experience, followed by an optional Shabbat hike. Our alternative Tashlich is an opportunity for contemplation in a beautiful setting.

Welcome the Jewish New Year 5785 in a Culturally Appropriate Wayhonoring our traditions and creating meaning for today. Transform the practice of Tashlich or “casting away sins” into a welcome acceptance of our individual and communal wishes and plans for the coming year. Then, if you wish, you can continue your hike along the beautiful South Mesa Trail. You may want to bring a blanket or camping chair, as there is no seating near the stream. Be sure to bring water and dress appropriately for Colorado’s ever-changing weather.

Please note: During this and the other two High Holiday events, we will be collecting donations of non-perishable food and cleaning supplies for the Community Food Share.

Click the “Attend” button on our Meetup event page so we know to expect you.

Beth Ami, the only humanist Jewish community in Colorado, is a proud member of the Society for Humanistic Judaism. We celebrate Jewish holidays, teachings, and life-cycle events through the secular lens of history, culture, and reason. We believe in the human capacity to create a better world without supernatural intervention.

Beth Ami is a friendly community where we connect with the Jewish past, celebrate the Jewish present, and connect with the Jewish future through humanistic philosophy. We encourage anyone interested in learning about humanistic Judaism to attend this and all of our events.

Let’s do it the Jewish way – humanistically!