
Indie horror film Supernatural from XYZ Films, coming in October

Indie horror film Supernatural from XYZ Films, coming in October

Posted in: Digital, Films | Tagged: Shooting stars, horror, independent film, Lorcano Film Festival, Richard Karpala and Gabriel Bieńczycki, supernatural thriller, xyz films

Shooting stars, rising filmmakers Richard Karpala and Gabriel Bieńczycki premiere indie supernatural horror film on October 11

Article summary

  • The premiere of Falling Stars is scheduled for October 11, 2024 by XYZ Films in selected cinemas and on the VOD platform throughout the country.
  • The indie supernatural horror deconstructs classic witch narratives in a fresh and exciting twist.
  • The story follows three brothers who must face a deadly curse after desecrating the body of a witch in the southwestern desert.
  • Directed by Richard Karpal and Gabriel Bieńczycki, with Rene Leech, Shaun Duke Jr. and not only in main roles.

XYZ Films announced today that their upcoming film Shooting stars finally has a release date, as it arrives in select theaters in October. This is a new independent supernatural horror thriller from emerging filmmakers Ryszard Karpala AND Gabriel Bieńczyckiwhose premiere is scheduled for October 11, 2024 in selected cinemas and on the VOD platform throughout the country. To go? Don’t go out to a dead witch at night and don’t accidentally desecrate her body. These should be the main lessons of life!

Poster art courtesy of XYZ Films

Shooting stars: Deconstructing witch folk horror stories

Shooting stars tells the story of folk horror and the deconstruction of the classic witch myth. In an alternate reality where witches are very real, on the night of the first harvest, harmless, traditional rituals are performed to appease the witches in the sky. For three brothers from the American Southwest, this year’s event will be different. When they discover that their friend has killed and buried a witch, they set out into the desert to see for themselves. When they come across the scene of the accident, they accidentally desecrate the body, triggering a chain of dangerous events. The only way they can end the curse on their family is to burn the corpses before sunrise. The accidental desecration of a witch’s body tends to happen in supernatural thrillers because nothing is supposed to go right in a horror movie. The only way to stop the curse on their family is a race against time, during which the idiot brothers must burn the body before sunrise. When you have to rush to burn off your body before sunset in the California desert, it’s always a hassle. Are you betting on whether they will do it on time? This is the power of film.

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Shooting stars is the feature-length debut of the director-producer duo Richard Karpal and Gabriel Bieńczycki, based on Karpal’s original script and Bieńczycki’s photos. Starring Renata Lech, Shaun Duke Jr., Andrzej Gabriel, Diane WormanAND Greg Poppathe film had its world premiere at Piazza Grande at the Locarno Film Festival and subsequently screened at Fantastic Fest, Calgary Underground, Splat! Film Festival and more.

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