
IATA announces Matchmaker platform for airlines and SAF suppliers

IATA announces Matchmaker platform for airlines and SAF suppliers

27/09/2024 10:00:00

The United States International Air Transport Association (IATA) will establish a Sustainable Fuel (SAF) matching system to connect airlines and SAF suppliers.

The development was announced at the World Sustainability Symposium (WSS), with an expected release date of the first quarter of 2025.

“Our vision is to create a transparent, efficient and accessible matchmaking platform that will accelerate the use of SAF as the aviation industry progresses towards net zero CO2 emissions2 emissions by 2050. The platform will do this by reducing the costs and complications airlines face when looking for SAF suppliers. The maturity and globalization of the SAF market will be enhanced by the transparency enabled by SAF Matchmaker. Every step in this direction is of paramount importance, given that SAF is the most important tool for decarbonizing air transport,” said Marie Owens Thomsen, IATA Senior Vice President for Sustainability and Chief Economist.

Specifically, SAF Matchmaker will address three critical issues:

  • Communication: SAF manufacturers and suppliers will be able to publish available or planned SAF volumes, and airlines will be able to register their interest in purchasing displayed or desired SAF volumes. Any subsequent transactions will take place outside the platform.
  • Visibility: The platform will provide comprehensive information on available SAFs, such as volumes, raw materials used, production location and technology, emission reductions, as well as compliance with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) or the EU Renewable Energy Program. Energy Directive (EU RED).
  • Efficiency: The availability of a central platform will simplify SAF procurement by making it easier and faster for all parties to connect. It will also facilitate the development of market intelligence based on the data generated by the platform.

Initially, the platform will focus on airlines and SAF suppliers. In due course, governments and non-aerospace corporate buyers of SAF will also be able to participate in the program.

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