
More taxpayer-funded housing projects in Kansas City coming soon!!!

More taxpayer-funded housing projects in Kansas City coming soon!!!

Further reporting. . . Most of these places are on the east side of KCMO and are not places most people would want to live. . . Check:

It is said that these projects will create and preserve 684 affordable homes in and around the city.

Affordable housing is intended for anyone whose income is equal to or less than 60% of the median income level in their geographic area.

“I am proud that since its inception in 2021, the Housing Trust Fund has enabled us to invest nearly $40 million to support the construction and preservation of over 2,000 affordable homes,” Lucas said. “We take steps every day to ensure every child and family has a safe and affordable place to lay their heads….”

Read more via link. . .

Kansas City approves $6.7 million for hundreds of affordable homes

The city is approving eight new Housing Trust Fund projects totaling nearly $7 million to create and maintain 684 additional affordable, transitional and supportive homes.