
Exciting news for Pickleball enthusiasts: Pickleball Kingdom announces a location in Lynnwood, Washington!

Exciting news for Pickleball enthusiasts: Pickleball Kingdom announces a location in Lynnwood, Washington!

As an avid pickleball enthusiast, I’m always excited about innovative ways to promote the sport, especially when it helps improve the lives of our older adults. That’s why I’m especially excited about Ludica Health’s recent announcement during Fall Prevention Awareness Week (September 23-27, 2024). The company just released a new pickleball-themed video game in its LudoFit interactive exercise app! This game not only captures the joy of pickleball, but also aims to reduce the risk of falls among the elderly.

A new virtual pickleball game from LudoFit, designed to improve your balance and coordination safely from home

The importance of preventing falls

Falls pose a serious risk to older adults, and the CDC reports that approximately one in four Americans aged 65 and older falls each year. This alarming statistic highlights the importance of effective fall prevention strategies. LudoFit’s innovative approach is a breath of fresh air because it combines entertainment with the critical elements of strength, balance, coordination and reaction time – factors necessary to reduce the risk of falling.

Changing the rules of the home exercise game

The newly introduced pickleball-themed game takes players to a virtual court where they can enjoy the exciting dynamics of this beloved sport from the comfort of their own home. “Pickleball fits perfectly into LudoFit’s mission,” said Mark Evin, founder and CEO of Ludica Health. This game allows older adults to exercise while dodging and swinging their arms to hit forehand and backhand shots, just like a real pickleball game!

Users can download the app on their laptops or iPads.

What excites me even more is that LudoFit adapts to all skill levels. Anyone, regardless of ability or mobility, can take part and benefit from this immersive experience. This is an inspiring step forward in promoting physical activity among older people who may not have had access to traditional exercise spaces.

Turning exercise into fun

I’ve seen firsthand how much balance issues can pose as barriers for seniors wanting to try pickleball. This is what makes this game such a fantastic opportunity – users can experience the thrill of pickleball without the fear of falling on the court. As Kim Cozart, a 63-year-old user, noted: “I wanted to try pickleball, but I have balance problems and don’t want to fall. This game gives me the opportunity to play pickleball without having to be on the field.

User influence

The LudoFit Pickleball game has already received positive responses from users who appreciate its fun and safe approach to exercise. Dr. Samim Hasham, 64, described the experience by saying: “This game is great. It keeps your attention. You feel really good. You feel active.” This type of feedback highlights the need for engaging and accessible exercise options for our older population.

Mike Studer, a doctor of physical therapy, emphasized the training benefits of the game, noting that it helps users improve agility and reaction time without feeling like they’re doing tedious exercises. This fun approach to training is sure to have a huge impact on your fall prevention efforts.

Join the Movement!

LudoFit is available on a monthly subscription for just $15, making it an affordable option for many seniors who want to stay active. You can check it out at The combination of pickleball fun with serious health benefits makes this game a must-play for seniors, caregivers and families.

As a dedicated supporter of pickleball, I can’t help but celebrate initiatives like these that bring the joy of our beloved sport to a wider audience while improving health outcomes. Kudos to Ludica Health for creating such an impactful game that is not only entertaining but also focuses on making a real difference in people’s lives. Let’s take advantage of this new way to stay active and engaged in pickleball!


For more information about Ludica Health and its innovative health and wellness solutions, visit or follow them on X and LinkedIn.

SOURCE Ludica Health Inc.

Get the latest updates and information on the rapidly growing sport of pickleball, designed specifically for the 50+ senior community. Watch Sleeve’s Senior Pickleball Report on YouTube to stay up to date with the ever-changing world of pickleball. Join the community and stay ahead of the competition.

  • Over the last few years, Mike has become a crazy pickleballer. Fortunately for seniors over 50, he started his program, Sleeve’s Senior Pickleball Report. He spends the rest of his time speaking out on social justice issues, spending time with his beautiful wife Karen, and enjoying the simple life in his ger/yurt.

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