
Your horoscope for the week of September 29, 2024

Your horoscope for the week of September 29, 2024

Overview: Find the win/win. Monday’s conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Libra will help you find a solution that will make you and others happy. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra brings new ways of relating and finding balance. The Venus-Saturn trine next Friday initiates emotional security and perhaps commitment in relationships where you would like to see it.

Read the horoscope for the Sun/Rising Sun sign:


Meet in the middle, Aries. Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction inspires you to negotiate between your preferences and someone else’s to reach a strong compromise. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra changes how you approach relationships, helping you see opposites differently. On Friday, Venus trines Saturn, strengthening confidence in your connections.


Your routines are essential, Taurus. Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction inspires you to see the connection between your habits and your goals. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra strengthens your well-being and motivates you to achieve a small health goal. This weekend’s Venus-Saturn trine will help you combine friendship and romance in a beautiful way.


Express yourself, Gemini! Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction will help you share a great truth about yourself. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra will give you a boost of confidence thanks to your courage at the beginning of the week. Friday’s Venus-Saturn trine shows how small steps can lead to big career changes, so stay focused and mindful.


What is “home”, Cancer? Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction will help you see it as a place within you, not outside you. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra expands on this idea and inspires you to see home as self-acceptance, self-love, and living the truth of who you are. Friday’s Venus-Saturn trine encourages you to go on a little adventure that will expand your horizons.


Tone down your startup, Leo. Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction reminds us that the beginning of a difficult conversation determines its direction, so it’s important to be gentle. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra will strengthen your communication skills, from word choice to active listening. Friday’s Venus-Saturn trine is full of passion, so seek pleasure with those you trust.


Practice what you teach, Virgo. Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction inspires you to put value into action, bringing you closer to financial success. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra will help you secure your belated birthday allowance and improve your financial knowledge. On Friday, Venus forms a trine with Saturn, which encourages better communication in romantic relationships.


Happy birthday, Libra! Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction brings a breakthrough you’ll want to act on. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in your sign is a chance to change the way you see, think, feel and act. Talk to yourself honestly about where you want to develop. Friday’s Venus-Saturn trine brings a sense of peace, routine and embodiment this weekend.


It’s over, Scorpio! Monday’s conjunction of the Sun and Mercury closes the chapter of your story. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra will help you find acceptance of what is ending, so you can move forward with more hope. This weekend’s Venus-Saturn trine boosts your self-esteem, encouraging you to take creative risks and feel alive.


Community is everything, Sag. Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction reconnects you with your people for mutual support. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra brings changes to your friendships; some dynamics may end while others begin beautifully. This weekend’s Venus-Saturn trine highlights the connection between your emotions and the values ​​you need to implement to feel better.


You are a star, Capricorn! Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction brings conversation that affirms your talents. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra will transform your career through new relationships, helping you fulfill your dreams and find greater purpose. This weekend’s Venus-Saturn trine will help you connect with friends and celebrate your progress together.


Adventure calls, Aquarius. Monday’s conjunction of the Sun and Mercury invites you to discover new spaces and possibilities. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra takes you away from the familiar and mundane, offering you a chance to discover the alien and magical if you’re willing to follow your curiosities. Friday’s Venus-Saturn trine encourages you to review your financial goals and how your career supports or hinders them.


What is your inner verse, Pisces? Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction will help you share your inner world. Wednesday’s solar eclipse in Libra highlights the connection between intimacy and your inner universe. The more you share your inner world, the more intimacy you create. Friday’s Venus-Saturn trine will help you heal and regroup after a week of deep self-disclosure.

Erika W. Smith (she/her) is the senior astrology editor at Cosmopolitan. He also covers lifestyle, travel and sex and relationships. Over the course of her decade-long media career, she has become an expert on “women’s lifestyle” and has held staff positions at Refinery29, BUST magazine, and HelloGiggles. Her book Astrosex: How to have the best sex according to your zodiac sign was released in 2021.