
Israel-Lebanon live coverage: Hamas leader in Lebanon killed amid reports of Israeli airstrikes across country

Israel-Lebanon live coverage: Hamas leader in Lebanon killed amid reports of Israeli airstrikes across country

The massive attack signals that a truce is not on Israel’s agendapublished at 18:21 UK Summer Time, September 27

Jeremy Bowen
International Editor in Jerusalem

Benjamin Netanyahu did not go to the United Nations to make new friends or offer concessions to Israel’s allies who want a ceasefire in Gaza as well as a 21-day truce in the war with Lebanon’s Hezbollah to give diplomacy a chance.

The massive attack in Beirut that took place after the Israeli prime minister finished his speech was an even clearer signal that a truce in Lebanon was not on Israel’s agenda.

Israel, Netanyahu said, had no choice but to fight savage enemies who wanted its annihilation.

Hezbollah will be defeated and there will be complete victory over Hamas in Gaza, ensuring the return of the Israeli hostages.

Far from being lambs led to the slaughter – a term sometimes used in Israel to refer to the Nazi holocaust – Israel was victorious.

Iran, Netanyahu said, wanted to curse the Middle East. Israel wanted the blessing of peace with the Arab states – above all, peace with Saudi Arabia.

He failed to mention that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has firmly stated that peace with Israel will only be possible if the Palestinians have a state with its capital in East Jerusalem.

Netanyahu and his government have ruled out Palestinian independence, a so-called two-state solution to resolve more than a century of conflict between Arabs and Jews.

The speech will be well received by his hard-line, ultranationalist allies, who have threatened to overthrow his government if he makes deals with Hamas or Hezbollah.

Even many of his political opponents in Israel believe they have no choice but to fight.