
Your monthly horoscope for October 2024 according to your zodiac sign

Your monthly horoscope for October 2024 according to your zodiac sign

Add these dates to your G-Cal:

  • October 2: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
  • October 9: Jupiter retrograde begins in Gemini
  • October 11: Pluto heads directly into Capricorn
  • October 13: Mercury enters Scorpio
  • October 17: Full Moon in Aries
  • October 17: Venus enters Sagittarius
  • October 22: Scorpio season is starting

If your life seems more out of balance than ever, it’s not just you – it’s in the stars! The month begins in the middle of eclipse season. The Sun makes its annual journey through Libra, and all you want is balance in your life. But this is difficult to achieve when fated and fated events are happening left and right! No matter your zodiac sign, Libra season brings your attention to your relationships. Which connections in your life are mutual and satisfying, and which require some adjustments?

There’s no shortage of drama at the start of the month thanks to the new moon eclipse in Libra on October 2. This will bring disastrous endings and beginnings to your important relationships. Some couples may choose to separate, while others will resolve issues and create a healthier foundation for their future. New collaboration opportunities or creative interests may also attract your attention.

On October 4, a calming and grounding energy will appear in your relationships when Venus in Scorpio connects with Saturn in Pisces. People are eager to talk about the future and make commitments. You can confide in someone you trust and respect; seeking advice can be helpful and healing. Emotions run high in conversations with others when Mercury in Libra clashes with Mars in Cancer on October 5. No one holds back when it comes to sharing how they really feel, and seemingly innocent conversations can lead to hurt feelings. Make sure you choose your words wisely.

Skies will be muggy on October 8 as Venus in Scorpio conjuncts Mars in Cancer. It’s a hot time for sex and your emotions are also heightened. Maybe you’ll say “I love you” during sex or make hot eye contact when you’re in bed. On the same day, conversations go smoothly thanks to the conjunction of Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini. You might even hear some happy news. Jupiter, the planet of beliefs, dreams and abundance, turns retrograde on October 9, putting you in a more reflective mood. Over the next few months, you may reconsider some of your goals or feel the desire to learn something new.

Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth and transformation, ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 11. You are now more aware of the work that awaits you on your healing journey. You may experience a shift in power dynamics or feel empowered by how much healing you have done over the last few months. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters the dark and mysterious waters of Scorpio on October 13. Your intuition is stronger than ever and you crave depth in your interactions with others. It also puts you in a more inquisitive mood, whether you’re stalking your ex-best friend on Instagram or delving online about your latest fixation. Egos clash and drama unfolds on October 14, when the Sun in Libra hits Mars in Cancer. One thing is certain: you have a lot of energy today. You can run a marathon, but you can also slam a car door on your finger. Try to get through the day carefully!

On the same day, Venus in Scorpio looks at Uranus in Taurus, leaving you with a desire for space and newness in close relationships. Maybe you’ll meet someone you haven’t seen in a while, or wake up feeling trapped and stuck. For some, this may lead to an abrupt breakup, and for others, it may simply mean trying something new with someone special. Experiment is your friend today. The next day, October 15, you seek healing and comfort in your relationships as Venus in Scorpio connects with Neptune in Pisces. This energy supports getting lost in art, engaging in intuition, or practicing rituals or manifestation work. Consider creating a vision board or visualizing the future life you want to evoke.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 17 will remind you to put yourself first. Perhaps a personal goal you set for yourself around the spring equinox in March will finally come to fruition, or you will decide to advocate for yourself in a relationship or contract. You are full of courage and self-confidence, so pour it into everything that sets your heart on fire. Venus in Scorpio connects with Pluto in Capricorn, offering transformative and healing energy to your close relationships on the same day. You can free yourself from the past, free yourself from old relationship patterns and feel closer to important people in your life.

Later that day, Venus, the planet of relationships, enters fun-loving Sagittarius. Over the next few weeks, you want to share your time with someone you can learn from, wax poetic about the meaning of life, and travel with. People feel more carefree and volatile when it comes to matters of the heart, so try not to take anyone’s weaknesses too personally. This is not the best time to commit. Wait until October 21, when commitments and boundaries will become topics of discussion as Mercury in Scorpio syncs with Saturn in Pisces. It’s a productive time to lose yourself in learning something new, crossing tedious tasks off your to-do list, or seeking guidance from people you respect. On October 22, the Sun in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn, sparking power struggles. You are more aware of the parts of yourself that you hide, reject or ignore. Secrets and hidden information can also come to light.

The signs you are most romantic with
Getty/Margie Rischiotto
The signs you are most sexually compatible with
Getty/Margie Rischiotto
You think you don’t fit in? You may be wrong
Getty/Margie Rischiotto

The Sun enters Scorpio later that day, encouraging you to reclaim your power. As the days grow darker, Scorpio knows that nothing is certain in this liminal space. Scorpio season is a time when you can rely on your instincts and face your fears. You’ll be ready for a new approach on October 24, when Mars in Cancer conjuncts Uranus in Taurus. You are open to trying new things, and solutions may present themselves when you least expect it. A few days later, you stand up for what you believe in when Mars in Cancer kisses Neptune in Pisces on October 28. You can also devote more of your energy to projects that require a creative mind.

On the same day, there is some tension and disappointment in your close relationships as Venus in Sagittarius hits Saturn in Pisces. You may feel a tinge of rejection or realize that the relationship is not going in the direction you had hoped. It’s not the best day to confess your undying love, but discussing boundaries and having the difficult conversations you’ve been avoiding can be helpful. Shocking news comes on October 30, when Mercury in Scorpio looks at Uranus in Taurus. Some conversations may seem irritating, others inspiring. The month ends with Mercury in Scorpio gently connecting with Neptune in Pisces, adding a sense of comfort to conversations on October 31st. This can help dissolve the boundaries between worlds and strengthen your intuition as the veil thins on Halloween.

Read the horoscope of the Sun, Moon and Rising signs for October 2024:













Stephanie is an astrologer, medium and witch. She has studied the mystical arts for over a decade, including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderismo, and more. She is an author Zodiac seasons: love, magic and manifestation throughout the astrological year and host of the Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign podcast. Her work has appeared on Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, and more today’s program as an astrology expert and modern mystic.