
Botticelli identified as the author of the painting of the Virgin Mary in France.

Botticelli identified as the author of the painting of the Virgin Mary in France.

Stunning artistic discovery shocked the art world. It turned out that the painting, long thought to be a 19th-century copy, was an authentic work by Sandro Botticelli . An apparition that dates back to around 1510 changes everything.

Emphasizes the importance of specialized knowledge in art history. It also shows the need to re-evaluate our knowledge about: Italian Renaissance .

Virgin and Child with young Saint John the Baptist, at Botticelli’s workshop, long in Champigny-en-Beauce

The work depicting the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus is located in the Saint-Félix Church in Champigny-en-Beauce, France. Scientific analyzes have shown that it is not a simple copy. It is creativity Botticelli workshop.

Experts investigated Botticelli style, technique and iconography. That allowed him to attribute it.

Analysis revealed that several artists from Botticelli’s studio worked on this work. Botticelli himself probably painted the face of the Virgin Mary. This cooperation shows a common practice in sacred art, the so-called Italian Renaissance .

To celebrate this discovery, the exhibition “Botticelli: The Two Madonnas of Chambord” will open on October 19 at the Château de Chambord. Visitors will be able to see this version and the original on loan from the Uffizi Gallery. It will provide a fascinating insight into Botticelli’s creative process and his workshop.

The lost masterpiece of the Renaissance master Botticelli has been found

The extraordinary discovery shocked the art world. It turned out that the painting of the Virgin Mary, long considered a mere copy from the 19th century, is an authentic work by Botticelli. This surprising discovery is the result of in-depth analysis artistic analysis carried out in 2023

Rediscovering a hidden treasure

The work, located in the church of Saint-Félix in Champigny-en-Beauce, dates back to around 1510. This period falls at the end of the career of Botticelli, the undisputed master Renaissance painting techniques . To confirm the authenticity of the work, experts used advanced scientific methods such as microanalysis and X-ray examination.

This discovery provides new insight into Botticelli’s workshop. Several artists appear to have contributed to this painting, and the finishing was probably done by Botticelli himself. This shared practice enriches our understanding of the history of Italian art of this period.

Botticelli’s Marian iconography

Botticelli, born Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi in Florence, is known for his unique style. It combines classic motifs with innovative aesthetics. His work is characterized by graceful lines and delicate shapes that breathe life into his compositions.

In this depiction of the Virgin Mary we find Botticelli’s typical religious iconography. The gentle treatment of the Child Jesus and the grace of the Virgin reflect the distinctive style of the Florentine master. This newly authenticated work will be featured in an exhibition titled “Botticelli: The Two Madonnas of Chambord” at the Château de Chambord.

Botticelli’s art continues to fascinate and inspire, hundreds of years after its creation.

This rediscovery highlights the importance of ongoing research in art history. It reminds us that priceless treasures can still be hidden in plain sight, waiting to be discovered by trained eyes.

Botticelli, painting, Virgin Mary, Jesus, attribution, France, Renaissance, restoration

A painting of the Virgin Mary was discovered in the church of Saint-Félix in Champigny-en-Beauce. Art experts became interested in this discovery. It was thought to be a 19th century copy, but it turned out to be the work of Sandro Botticelli, the great Renaissance artist.

Renovation techniques and artistic knowledge were necessary to identify the work. A scientific analysis conducted in 2023 dates the painting to around 1510, just after Botticelli created the original.

Heritage protection played a key role in the discovery. The researchers compared the work with similar work at the Barber Institute of Fine Arts in Birmingham. They discovered similarities in materials and techniques.

The origin of works of art confirmed by pigment analysis. The attribution was confirmed by the use of egg tempera, oil and gesso.

Art always holds surprises for us. This discovery underscores the importance of ongoing research and meticulous restoration.

Art lovers will be able to see this work at the exhibition “Botticelli: Two Madonnas of Chambord”. The exhibition will take place from October 19, 2024 to January 19, 2025 in the Château de Chambord.

The importance of the image of the Virgin Mary for French art collections

The discovery of Botticelli’s work in France is enriching French cultural heritage . This painting, dated around 1510, was confirmed in 2023 by French researchers. Scientific research has demonstrated its use Italian Renaissance techniques. This involves using two layers of gesso and adding zinc and glass grains to the paint.

This prestigious acquisition strengthens the company’s position national museums on the international art scene. The exhibition “Botticelli: The Two Madonnas of Chambord” opens on October 19 at the Château de Chambord in the Loire Valley. It will present a painting by Saint-Félix together with an original by Botticelli, on loan from the Uffizi Gallery from October 19, 2024 to January 19, 2025. This exhibition provides a unique opportunity to study international artistic exchanges between Italy and France during the Renaissance.

The presence of these works recalls the influence of Italian artists in the Loire Valley at the time. It stimulates new cooperation between French and Italian cultural institutions, thus promoting cultural diplomacy . The exhibition, enriched with an element of virtual reality and educational films, provides visitors with an immersive experience. This enhances the attractiveness French cultural heritage .

Source links

  1. – A once-overlooked painting from Botticelli’s studio rediscovered
  2. – A long-lost painting from Botticelli’s studio is rediscovered in a French church | Artnet News
  3. – An art historian attributes a painting of the Virgin Mary in France to Botticelli
  4. – A once-overlooked painting from Botticelli’s studio rediscovered
  5. – Masters of the Florence Renaissance