
My wife hasn’t had sex with me in over five years

My wife hasn’t had sex with me in over five years

Archive photo of a worried man

Dear GhanaWeb,

I have a dilemma regarding my marriage. Every day is like hell for me and I don’t know what to do. I have to start from the beginning for you to understand.

I met my wife in 2015, she was beautiful, brilliant and hard-working. She was everything I wanted and I quickly knew she was the one for me.

“But there was one thing: she said she didn’t want to have sex before marriage. The reason was that her previous relationship had ended badly and she couldn’t bring herself to be intimate with another man before tying the knot.”

I understood and agreed.

We finally got married in 2019, but when it came time to consummate the marriage, it turned into a quick shoot. She was crying the whole time and I couldn’t even enjoy it.

Since then, whenever I try to touch her, she flinches, always makes excuses, and when I bring it up, she either gets angry or starts crying.

This has been going on for over five years. I’ve managed to stay faithful since I got married and haven’t cheated on anyone or looked at anyone, but it’s getting more and more difficult.

Whenever I feel like it, I either masturbate or find something to keep me occupied. But I’m slowly losing it.

The strange thing is that now he is friends with his ex, they work close to each other and even travel together for work.

But she assures me that there is nothing between them and I believe her.

I love my wife and I want to remain faithful to her. But I don’t know what to do.

How can I make her develop an intimate relationship with me? Please help me.