
14 ways financial advisors can stay connected with their clients

14 ways financial advisors can stay connected with their clients

Maintaining strong relationships with clients is the cornerstone of success for financial advisors. Understanding how to effectively connect with your customers can increase trust and foster long-term partnerships. To do this, financial advisors have a variety of tools at their disposal, from automated emails and newsletters to market updates and personalized portfolio reviews. By leveraging available technology and keeping the lines of communication open, advisors can create a more personalized experience, ensuring clients feel valued and informed.

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1. Offer personalized check-ins

One of the most effective ways to stay in touch with your customers is through personalized, scheduled check-ins. Whether these meetings are held quarterly, semi-annually or annually, these meetings can be held in person or virtually.

During these sessions, advisors may review a client’s portfolio performance, discuss life changes, or adjust financial plans. To increase personalization, it is helpful to refer to the client’s specific goals or life events, which demonstrates attention to detail and an understanding of their unique situation.

2. Send periodic market updates

Clients appreciate receiving information about market trends, especially when these updates come directly from their financial advisor. Sending a short, simply worded market update via email or newsletter can keep customers informed without overwhelming them. These updates may focus on relevant market developments, regulatory updates or economic forecasts.

A consistent update schedule – monthly or bi-monthly – ensures a reliable communication frequency that customers can rely on.

3. Use social media

Social media platforms are another way to stay connected with your customers in a professional yet engaging way. Advisors can use LinkedIn, Twitter, and even Facebook to share insightful articles, leadership ideas, and company news. Posting relevant content not only strengthens your advisor’s knowledge, but also allows clients to connect by liking, commenting, or sharing posts. Over time, this keeps the advisor in the spotlight while subtly reinforcing the value they bring.

4. Host webinars and educational events

Hosting webinars or educational seminars on financial topics can be another great way to engage your customers. These events can cover a variety of topics, from retirement planning to market prospects. Webinars, in particular, enable direct interaction where customers can ask questions and receive answers in real time.

By offering these educational opportunities, advisors demonstrate a commitment to the financial knowledge and development of their clients, further strengthening the advisor-client relationship.

5. Implement a customer appreciation program

A formal customer appreciation program can go a long way toward strengthening customer relationships. It could be as simple as sending birthday cards, holiday gifts or anniversary notes to celebrate key milestones. Taking the time to appreciate these moments – especially with a handwritten note or small token of appreciation – can foster a deeper personal connection. Clients who feel appreciated are more likely to maintain a long-term relationship with their advisor.

6. Include customer surveys and reviews

Partners of a financial advisory firm meet to discuss client retention, including new ways the firm can stay connected with clients.

Another approach to maintaining communication is to ask customers for feedback. Periodic surveys can measure customer satisfaction and discover areas where service can be improved. These surveys don’t have to be complicated – just a simple online form asking for feedback on recent interactions or areas of interest.

Moreover, taking action on feedback and then contacting customers to inform them of changes shows that their opinions are valued.

7. Use automated email campaigns

Automated email campaigns are an effective way to stay in touch with your customers without having to constantly reach out to your recipients manually. Using email marketing platforms, advisors can schedule a series of pre-packaged emails to be sent throughout the year.

These emails may cover topics such as upcoming tax deadlines, saving tips, or portfolio performance reminders. With personalization features, these emails can still be tailored to each client, while saving valuable advisor time.

8. Develop a solid newsletter

A monthly or quarterly newsletter is a more detailed way to stay in touch with your customers. Newsletters can cover a range of topics, such as the latest financial news, upcoming events or customer success stories. Advisors can use the newsletter to offer insight into economic trends, showcase new financial products, or provide updates on company performance. The key to a successful newsletter is to provide content that is informative and relevant to customer needs, without focusing too much on sales.

9. Offer financial planning tools and resources

Providing clients with access to financial tools or resources further strengthens the advisory relationship. Advisors may provide calculators, retirement planning worksheets, or educational resources that help clients better understand their financial situation. This proactive approach keeps clients engaged in their finances, positioning the advisor as a source of both guidance and learning.

10. Send personalized reports on portfolio performance

Customers appreciate detailed and easy-to-understand performance reports. Sending personalized portfolio performance reports, especially those that explain changes in market conditions and what they mean for investments, can reassure clients. These reports should highlight not just the numbers, but also the context behind them, ensuring clients feel informed about changes in their financial landscape.

11. Turn on SMS and mobile notifications

A financial advisor talks to a client over the phone to provide them with updates on their account.

Many customers prefer to receive quick updates via text or mobile notifications rather than email. Advisors can use SMS services to send short updates, reminders, or links to more detailed reports or resources.

While these messages should be concise and professional, they offer a convenient way to stay in touch with customers who don’t need to check email frequently or prefer mobile communication.

12. Maintain a customer portal with 24/7 access

Providing customers with a secure online portal where they can access their account information, view documents and check portfolio performance at any time can significantly increase customer satisfaction. Advisors offering this type of digital access are transparent and offer convenience. It also reduces the need for frequent phone calls and emails because customers can log in and view updates whenever they want.

13. Invite customers to participate in special events

Many customers enjoy attending events that promote community involvement or charitable causes. Hosting or participating in charity runs, golf tournaments, or fundraising events allows advisors to interact with clients in a more relaxed and social setting. These events strengthen relationships on a personal level and create a shared sense of purpose that goes beyond finances.

14. Schedule annual reviews

Finally, conducting annual reviews gives advisors the opportunity to re-examine client goals and assess whether they are on track to achieve them. These reviews should focus on the client’s long-term goals, financial changes and any adjustments that may need to be made. By taking the time to thoroughly understand each client’s situation, advisors demonstrate their commitment to helping each client achieve financial success.

Bottom line

Maintaining contact with customers is more than a business necessity – it is a way to build long-term relationships based on trust and mutual understanding. By combining technology, personalization and proactive outreach, financial advisors can maintain close communication with their clients, helping to ensure their engagement and satisfaction. Regular touchpoints, whether through check-ins, market updates or personal gestures, reinforce the advisor’s role as a trusted partner in a client’s financial journey.

Tips for managing your customer list

  • Organize customers into segments based on needs or service complexity. This allows you to prioritize your time more efficiently – high-touch customers may need more frequent and in-depth interactions, while low-maintenance customers can be managed with periodic check-ins or automatic updates.

  • Automating your marketing and lead generation efforts can help you save time and energy, which you can then spend on your existing customers. SmartAsset AMP (Advisor Marketing Platform) is a holistic marketing service that financial advisors can use for lead generation and programmatic marketing. Sign up for a free demo and learn how SmartAsset AMP can help you expand your practice’s marketing efforts. Get started today.

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