
US bishops invite Catholics to recite a novena on mental health starting October 10

US bishops invite Catholics to recite a novena on mental health starting October 10

U.S. bishops announced the second annual novena for mental health as part of a nationwide campaign to promote mental health.

Launched in 2023, the National Catholic Mental Health Campaign aimed to combat mental illness based on the message that “everyone who needs help should get help.”

Beginning on World Mental Health Day, October 10, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) “will begin nine days of focused prayer, teaching and practical steps to engage more intentionally with mental health issues,” according to the USCCB in September this year. 23 press release. The novena will end on October 18, the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, patron saint of health care.

The novena will become a tradition for years to come, said Paul Jarzembowski, USCCB deputy director for lay affairs in the Secretariat for Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth.

Jarzembowski told CNA that the church seeks to “follow Jesus’ example by responding to the needs of God’s people in real time.”

“Today, mental health impacts the lives of so many people, and the global pandemic has highlighted this fact and made us aware of it,” he explained. “The US bishops also noted a growing epidemic of loneliness across the country, particularly among young people, older people and marginalized groups.”

“Right now, people are hurting all around us, even if we can’t see it,” Jarzembowski said. “Through this nationwide campaign, the U.S. bishops are asking everyone to join them in responding with greater awareness and action in the face of the mental health crisis that arises every day.”

Each day of the novena has a different theme and is dedicated to a different saint. For example, the first day of the novena begins with St. Dymphna, patroness of those suffering from mental illness and mental health professionals, and focuses on praying for the removal of stigmas associated with mental health.

The goal of the novena is to build “a lasting way for all Catholics to remember in prayer those who feel this crisis most acutely and to respond to Jesus’ call to respond to those who struggle with tender care and pastoral activity,” Jarzembowski noted.

We hope that the campaign and novena “will be incorporated into our homes, our churches and our work in society,” Jarzembowski says.

Asked what steps Catholics can take to better support those struggling with mental health, Jarzembowski suggested becoming “more aware of potential mental health issues” and recognizing that “they can be hidden in plain sight.”

“Developing habits of compassion and patience with one another, especially online, can go a long way to creating a culture of spiritual and mental well-being,” he continued. “Be aware of the signs of depression, suicidal thoughts, loneliness and anxiety, and stand with people who are struggling to find the help and support they may need.”

Each day of the novena includes actions Catholics can take to help address the mental health crisis.

“In our Catholic parishes and dioceses we can advocate for increased mental health pastoral care,” Jarzembowski added. “From forming mental health support groups, to exploring health care options in our local community, to instilling the spirit of mental well-being in our existing pastoral ministry, especially to young people, families and the elderly – there is much that Catholics can do to create a culture of responsiveness.”

Resources for mental health campaigns, including novenas, can be found here.