Suhagan Chudail the Colors television show produced by Peninsula Pictures has seen engaging drama with Nishigandha (Nia Sharma) and Deeya (Debchandrima Singha Roy) doing the Taandav in order to save Moksh’s (Zayn Ibad Khan) life. As we know, they got the Naagmani from the Naaglok after defeating Kaalsarpika. We also wrote about Mahisur attacking Nishigandha and Deeya, where Deeya shielded Moksh with all her powers, but sacrificed her life for Moksh’s well-being.

The upcoming episode will see Moksh getting better in health and looking for Deeya. Moksh will be shocked when he will get to know that Deeya sacrificed her life for him. Moksh will break down into an emotional phase, wherein he will want to be alone and brooding. He will also blame Nishigandha for Deeya’s death and will tell Nishigandha that he was never in love with her and that he used to fake love so that Deeya could be safe. This revelation will break Nishigandha’s heart. The family will further throw Nishigandha out of the house. But Moksh’s life will be in constant danger, with Mahisur planning to attack again.

What will happen now?

In this supernatural saga, a malevolent Chudail named Nishigandha is on an obsessive quest for Suhaag ki Nishaniyan, ‘Solah Shringars’ – 16 mystical adornments that will bestow upon her unparalleled beauty and the ultimate prize of immortality. With each ‘Shringar’ she collects by sacrificing her husbands, her dark powers grow stronger. Starring Nia Sharma as Nishigandha, the Suhagan Chudail, Debchandrima Singha Roy as Deeya, and Zayn Ibad Khan as Moksh, the show has kickedstarted.