
Exclusive: Y&R’s Jason Thompson on Billy and Sally’s Potential Reunion

Exclusive: Y&R’s Jason Thompson on Billy and Sally’s Potential Reunion


Now that Adam and Chelsea’s dirty secret has come to light, Young and Restless and their partners, Sally and Billy, know that they slept together in Baltimore, both relationships are on the brink of collapse. Could Adam and Chelsea’s betrayal lead to Billy and Sally having sex? Soap Opera Summary asked Jason Thompson, who plays Billy, for his opinion.

Soap opera synopsis: This story brought Billy and Sally into each other’s orbit as they commiserate with their partners. What does Billy think of Sally now that he knows her better?

Thompson: It was interesting because he wasn’t a huge fan of hers and he didn’t give her any attention and they didn’t have a great relationship at all. But I think he really started to understand her a little bit better. I think it’s very true when Billy says, “Listen, Adam, she’s hands down the best thing you’ve got in your life, hands down. If you mess this up, it’s one of the worst things you can do. This person is holding you back and it pains me to even say it, but it’s true.” I think Billy really gained respect for Sally and admiration for her supporting Adam the way she does and the way she does it. I think the way she conducts herself is gaining Billy’s respect more and more. Not that she’s really worried about Billy’s respect! But when you look at it from his perspective, you can see the admiration for the way she’s handled it.

Thompson: She’s great. She’s wonderful. It’s no accident that she won a (Daytime) Emmy last year (in June, for Best Supporting Actress). She’s very committed to her choices, which is great. She’s prepared and funny. She’s very nice and likeable and easy to be with, even as a character. She’s reactive to the moment, which helps because that means she’s listening. Her scenes are saturated. It’s always nice to work with someone when it happens naturally, because they’re a great actor, they’re prepared, they care and they want to drive that story or that scene forward, and that’s what you get with her, which is a great partner.

Digest: Many fans are wondering if the truth about Chelsea and Adam coming out could spark something between Billy and Sally. Do you see that happening?

Thompson: Yeah. I’m always curious about what could happen with something like that. I haven’t gotten to work with Courtney that much, but the moments I’ve worked with her have been really wonderful. So developing that storyline, if that happens, that would be great too. But at this point, I don’t really know (what the show is planning). I try not to get too far ahead of myself, because right now I have to keep my head in the game. But yeah, I’ve seen it. I think they’re starting to enjoy each other’s company a little bit more, which is good. I think that being in the thick of things is important for building relationships, and I think that’s where they’re starting to start now.