
11 Rare Signs You Have a Special Bond with Your Partner

11 Rare Signs You Have a Special Bond with Your Partner

Have you ever felt so connected to your partner that they became your best friend and home? If so, you are not alone. Many others, just like you, feel the same way about their significant other. I, for one, am one of them. A lot of people would answer this question by saying, “You just know.” But how do you “just know”?

You will know when being with him will be easy. You will know when his personality traits complement yours. You will know when you accept each other as you really are, without trying to change anything about him. His happiness is your happiness and vice versa.

Here are 11 rare signs that you share a special bond with your partner:

1. You understand each other’s sense of humor perfectly

Sofia Shultz | Pexels

Together you laugh at pointless things until your stomach muscles ache. Your countless jokes leave everyone else scratching their heads because only you two really get them. You feel comfortable enough to let your significant other hear your “ugly laugh” too.

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2. You can be yourself in their company

Alexy Almond | Pexels

You show your true self 100% of the time to your significant other and they do the same. When you are together, neither of you hide anything.

You never feel weird about looking like a hot mess next to them, because you know it’s okay. In fact, you accept and love each other exactly as you are.

3. You communicate honestly and openly


When your partner is also your best friend, you share everything with them. Whether you feel angry, scared, sad, or excited, your partner respects your emotions and actively listens to you as you share. You are not afraid of their judgment and appreciate their perspective.

According to research, the way an individual responds to relationship conflicts and to the revelation of good news by a partner is associated with relationship satisfaction and stability. More specifically, constructive adjustment and capitalizing responses during relationship conflicts and triumphs are associated with greater relationship well-being.

4. Your relationship reflects a healthy balance

Vasily Baranov | Pexels

You don’t spend every waking moment together (although sometimes you wish you could). You each spend time with your friends and family and respect each other’s space. You also insist on spending quality time together because you know that balance is key.

5. You have many common interests and hobbies

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Although you each maintain your individual identities, you share many interests. You enjoy activities that you can do together and that you both enjoy.

According to facts from the Pew Research Center, couples who share similar interests to a similar degree tend to have healthier relationships. These partners show interest in each other, think similarly, share passions, enjoy similar adventures, and ultimately, bond. These couples argue less because they generally agree on how to invest their energy and finances.

Life is better in many ways for couples who share interests. While not all relationships end because partners have significantly different interests, they do. The study found that 64% of couples with shared interests believe it helped their marriages succeed. The study found that “lack of shared interests” was one of the top reasons couples cited for divorce.

6. You trust each other completely

Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

Trust is important in any relationship, especially a romantic one. When your partner is also your best friend, you not only trust them with all your secrets, but you trust them enough to not pry into your personal affairs.

You tell each other everything, so there is nothing to hide for either of you. When you respect and love each other so completely, there is no reason for either person to act suspicious.

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7. You respect the other person’s boundaries and always ask for consent

Vladimir Kudinov | Pexels

Your partner understands your boundaries and never crosses them. You respect each other to always ask for permission, no matter how big or small.

You never intentionally make each other uncomfortable and you respect each other enough to tell each other openly when something is wrong.

8. You enjoy spending time with each other’s friends and family

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While you respect your time apart, you also embrace the other important people in your lives. You build bonds with each other’s friends and family because they are important parts of your lives too.

9. You willingly care for the needs of others in sickness as well as in health.

Pavel Danilyuk | Pexels

Sometimes you get so sick that you need help taking care of yourself. Luckily, when your partner is your best friend, they will gladly jump in to take care of you.

You both offer everything you can when the other person is struggling, no questions asked, no strings attached. Love is love, in sickness and in health.

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10. You stand up for each other

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When you share an intimate bond, you don’t belittle the other person’s flaws. However, when you hear someone spreading false or negative gossip about each other, you step in and set the record straight on behalf of the other person.

You care enough to support each other no matter what, and it’s important to always have your partner’s support.

11. Support each other in achieving your individual goals

Photography by Andy Dean | Shutterstock

When your partner is your best friend, your dreams become their dreams and you both motivate each other to be the best versions of yourselves.

No matter what your goals are or how silly they seem, you support each other and do everything you can to help each other achieve them.

Despite what some may say, there is nothing wrong with being best friends with the person you plan to spend the rest of your life with. You share everything together – your home, your life, your secrets.

I have always longed for this type of connection with someone and I am incredibly grateful to have finally found a soul that completes me. Don’t settle for anything less than a partner who feels like your best friend because that is the most magical connection in the world.

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Samantha Yonts is a writer, model, and advocate. She writes primarily about living with a devastating chronic illness, mental illness, and relationships.