
DAR Branches Celebrate Constitution Week

DAR Branches Celebrate Constitution Week

DAR Branches Celebrate Constitution Week

The Joseph McDowell and Abraham Kuykendall chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution celebrated Constitution Week with Bells Across America Tuesday at the historic courthouse.

The Blue Ridge Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution served as Color Guard. Don Hendrix of the Blue Ridge Chapter gave a first-hand account of William Porter of Rutherford County grappling with the dilemma of approving the Constitution. Hendersonville Mayor Barbara Volk presented a proclamation declaring Constitution Week in the city from September 17-23. State Representative Jake Johnson gave the keynote address. DAR members in colonial-era costumes also gave a presentation on Constitution Week to fifth- and eighth-grade students at Mountain Community School.

Bells Across America commemorates the 237tht anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787. Bells rang for one full minute across America at 4:00 p.m. The Constitution Day bell commemorates the signing of the nation’s founding laws. After four months of heated debate and deliberation, the delegates reached an agreement. As they emerged from Independence Hall at 4:00 p.m., church bells in Philadelphia rang to celebrate the signing of the Constitution.