
Rock County Students Gather for Engagement Fair

Rock County Students Gather for Engagement Fair

Students at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Rock County Campus gathered to network and join clubs and organizations in Upper Allen Hall and Hyatt Smith Commons.

Clubs and organizations from the Rock County main campus joined in participating in the engagement fair. Clubs included the Black Student Union, Latinos Unidos, Engineering Club and others.

Involvement Rock County Expo hosts booths at Hyatt Smith Commons, Tuesday, September 17, 2024. (Bleron Grajçevci)

Students responded positively to the fair because it was an easy chance to network and take a break from classes. The fair attracted more students than previous Rock events.

Rock County Dean of Students Tricia Clasen believes students should have access to all information about resources available on campus. Clasen believes events on the Rock County campus will remain small, as most organizations at the engagement fair were unique

Campus Rock.

“Every club that wants to be represented is here and available,” Clasen said. “People from the main campus

invited again to come and showcase what they have to offer.”

Rock County student Leon Smith liked the way the presentation was presented and how respectful and open others were. He said going to the engagement fair was a good choice. He liked that there were many options for students to get more involved during their studies.

“Everyone had nice signs and posters,” Smith said. “I thought the fair was a good thing to do today.”

With positive student feedback and increased opportunities to network, the Rock County campus is succeeding in bringing students together in its small but fun place.

“I really enjoy it,” said Kyler Shepard, a Rock County student. “It’s really fun to talk to people (and) get to know them and find out what else I can do on campus.”