
Former Hollywood Star Welcomes Son ‘Heir’, Calls 4 Daughters ‘Dishwashers’

Former Hollywood Star Welcomes Son ‘Heir’, Calls 4 Daughters ‘Dishwashers’

Brandon “Bug” Hallwho notably played Lucerne Switzerland in the 1994 classic comedy The little rascalssparked outrage after calling his daughters “dishwashers.” X page (formerly known as Twitter) on September 17, the 39-year-old actor announced the birth of his son, Marc Athanase Chad Anthony Hall-Barnett.

In a post that has racked up nearly 4 million views, Bug appeared in two photographs holding his newborn son. The post also included a photo of his wife Jill Marie DeGroff holding little Mark and another close-up of the infant.

“I have an heir!” Bug announced in the caption of the post, adding: “Mark Athanasius Chad Anthony Hall-Barnett of Holy Cross was born at 4am, weighing 9.5lbs.

“Mom and baby “Both are doing wonderfully. This is my wife’s fifth delivery, the third completely natural. Athanasius Contra Mundum.”

Brandon “Bug” Hall, who notably played Alfalfa Switzer in the 1994 comedy classic The little rascalssparked outrage

Photo credits: Movieclips

“Athanasius Contra Mundum” is a Latin phrase that translates to “Athanasius against the world.” It refers to Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, a 4th-century Christian bishop who was a staunch defender of orthodoxy. Christian Beliefsespecially the doctrine of the Trinity, even if it meant opposing the majority of the religious establishment of the time.

This expression is used to describe a person who remains firm in his beliefs, even when faced with widespread opposition.

While a handful of people congratulated the former actor, one X user pointed out that Bug already had “heirs,” arguing: “You already have daughters. What’s wrong with you?!”

Photo credits: Bug_Hall

In a surprising turn of events, the 1990s Hollywood The star responded: “I said heir, not dishwasher.” Needless to say, people online didn’t find the insulting line amusing in the least, with one person commenting: “You’re disgusting.”

“You publicly demean your daughters to try to generate angry clicks. This is the behavior of a capricious and emasculated child, and I pray for all of your children.”

Someone else wrote: “I pray to God that these precious little girls are protected from your toxicity and projected self-loathing until they are old enough to disown you. Get your heart right or you will end up in hell bro.”

Bug called his daughters “dishwashers”

Image credits: Insect room

Another person added: “With opinions like these, I hope CPS (Child Protective Services) steps in soon.”

Amid the significant backlash on social media, Bug then shared a link to an interview published on the religious outlet Catholicism.orgled by Brother André Marie.

In the interview, published on Saturday (September 21), Brother Andre described Bug’s critics as “detractors,” before highlighting the former actor’s conversation with Catholicism in 2013.

Image credits: Insect room

According to the Christian publication, Bug has centered his life on his traditional Catholic commitment to faith and family in recent years, in addition to becoming “a warrior of traditional Catholic culture.”

Bug then told Brother Andrew that he had announced his son as his “heir” because his family name would be passed down.

“It’s not a trivial thing,” the 39-year-old said. “My belief in the meaning of a name comes from the Holy Faith, as does my newfound love for my fathers before me.”

On his X page (formerly known as Twitter) on September 17, the 39-year-old actor announced the birth of his son

Image credits: Insect room

Bug then expressed how confident he was that his son would continue his religious workprotecting and providing for his mother and sisters.

“Once his sisters are married, the management of the house will revert to their husbands, but some of my daughters are already interested in a religious life on earth,” the former actor said. “He will look after their needs, as I would have done.”

Bug then revealed that he had played a similar dishwasher “joke” on his wife while she was in early labor, saying: “She likes to laugh at the beginning of labor, and so part of my job is to entertain her.

“I told her our dishwasher was broken. She asked me what was wrong, and I said a baby was coming out of it. She had a good laugh.”

Photo credits: Bug_Hall

He continued: “Later, as I was having fun responding to that crazy, idiotic crowd, it must still have been on my mind.

“I react in different ways to different people, but I usually respond to overt hostility with mocking barbs.

“Without wanting to analyze simple humor too much, I find that focusing on the erroneous cognitive associations of hostile people is generally helpful in revealing them, and this case seems to prove it.”

Brother Andre’s interview seems to have gone from bad to worse, as Bug had another humorous anecdote in his book to illustrate how he and his marry were.

He named his son “heir” Mark Athanasius Chad Anthony Hall-Barnett

Image credits: Insect room

“I told this story somewhere in the endless comments, but when I tore my bicep tendon off the bone, my wife found me rolling on the floor moaning and crying,” the father of five recounted.

He continued, “She’s seen me hurt A LOT since I adopted this new lifestyle, and she knows I have a high tolerance for pain.

“She was nervous and knew her injury was serious. Her response was a wonderful moment of humor. She asked me what was wrong and I said I had done something to my arm. She replied, ‘And did it hurt you?'”

Bug was last credited as an actor in the 2020 film This is the year. The same year, he was arrested for inhaling a dust collector, which a police investigation found to be an attempt at alcohol poisoning. The Hollywood Reporter reported in June 2020.

Photo credits: Bug_Hall

He was later reportedly held and released on $1,500 bail at the Parker County Jail in Texas, USA. Bug’s family was the one who made the report and the former actor himself admitted to inhaling cans, E! Online reported.

After converting to Catholicism, the Texas native said in 2021 that he and his family moved to a farm in the Midwest, in order to take a vow of poverty, according to his YouTube channel.

In December 2022, Bug was temporarily banned on X after posting a message in support of marital debt and corporal punishment of minors, Listed reported at the time.

Despite its many controversies, Bug was nominated for a 2022 Kids & Family Emmy Award in the Outstanding Animated Series category. A dark and sinister tale.

“What a strange thing to say,” commented one reader.

Photo credits: MollyMahoney2

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Photo credits: DrizzlleBlue

Photo credits: aylakayy

Photo credits: gnarlypug

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Former Hollywood Star Welcomes Son ‘Heir’, Calls 4 Daughters ‘Dishwashers’ appeared first on Bored Panda.