
‘Martian Dog’ and Dozens of Other Mysterious Spots Hidden Under Mars’ North Pole Found in New ‘Gravity Map’

‘Martian Dog’ and Dozens of Other Mysterious Spots Hidden Under Mars’ North Pole Found in New ‘Gravity Map’

Dozens of mysteriously dense patches — including one surprisingly dog-shaped structure — lurk beneath the ancient seabed surrounding MarsNorth Pole, reveals new ‘gravity map’ of Red Planet. The first-of-its-kind atlas also confirms a recent discovery of Mars’ highest mountain, which could help reveal secrets about the planet’s volcanic past and present.

In a new study, scientists have created the first true global density map of Mars by combining data on the planet’s crust from NASA’s InSight lander with records of orbital fluctuations from satellites such as NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the European Space Agency’s Mars Express, which shifted positions due to hidden gravity anomalies.