
Celebrate Fall Prevention as Seasons Change – Daily Leader

Celebrate Fall Prevention as Seasons Change – Daily Leader

Celebrate Fall Prevention as Seasons Change

Posted 2:00 pm Monday, September 23, 2024

JACKSON — The start of fall also means Fall Prevention Awareness Week, a nationwide celebration with state coalitions and partners to raise awareness about preventing falls, reducing the risk of falls and helping older adults live without the fear of falling. State Health Officer Dr. Daniel Edney has declared September 23-27 as Fall Prevention Week here in Mississippi.

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older Americans. Falls are costly, both in terms of money and quality of life. However, falls are not an inevitable part of aging. With practical lifestyle changes, evidence-based programs, and community partnerships, the number of falls among seniors can be significantly reduced.

An estimated 17 percent of Mississippians are age 65 or older, and one in four people of that age fall each year. One in five falls results in a serious injury, such as a broken bone or head injury. Falls can lead to depression, loss of mobility, and loss of functional independence.

According to the Mississippi Department of Health’s Office of State Records and Statistics, falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among persons age 65 and older in Mississippi, resulting in 286 deaths in (2021), 2,828 hospitalizations in (2021), and 259 emergency department visits in (2021).

Falls can be dangerous for older people, but If can be avoided. Simple steps can help:

  • Review yours regularly Medicines Consult your doctor to avoid side effects that may disturb your balance.
  • Have yours visionCorrective glasses and hearing checked regularly. These are important aids to maintaining balance.
  • Maintain balance in your living space. Remove low obstacles tripping hazards, and make sure the edges of the carpet are protected to prevent your feet from catching on them.
  • Considering walker on wheels or other assistance to help you move safely around and outside your home.
  • Take action to prevent falls training (like free MSDH A matter of balance (program below) that will help you improve your balance, confidence and risk awareness.

Area residents can take comfort in the fact that the recently opened Foot Health and Gait Balance Center helps seniors prevent falls.

The Mississippi State Department of Health offers A matter of balanceevidence-based statewide falls management program free for participants. A matter of balance is an 8-week group training that emphasizes practical ways to reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels. Participants learn to view falls and fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce risk factors for falling, and exercise to increase strength and balance. The program is designed for community-dwelling older adults who:

  • You’re worried about falls
  • I have had falls in the past
  • Limit your activity due to concerns about falling
  • You are interested in improving your flexibility, balance and strength
  • They are 60 years old or older, mobile and able to solve problems