
Nominations sought for 2024 University of Alberta Disability Awareness Awards and Recognitions

Nominations sought for 2024 University of Alberta Disability Awareness Awards and Recognitions


Award plaque mockup featuring a large Cardinal Red alternate access symbol centered on a clear acrylic award.

Do you know someone in the university community who is dedicated to promoting housing and accessibility on campus? We encourage you to nominate them for this year’s U of A Disability Recognition Awards.

For the third year running, as part of the National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) celebration on campus, the Office of Accessible Accommodations and Services, in partnership with the Center for Educational Access, is hosting this event to recognize the contributions of campus members who have actively worked to create a “disability-friendly” environment and foster a sense of inclusion for people with disabilities.

These awards are intended to highlight the importance of the entire campus community’s commitment to promoting accessibility for all staff, students and visitors to the University of Alberta. As we strive to build a welcoming and accessible campus, it is essential that we recognize and value the contributions of our faculty, staff, students and community partners to this endeavor.

Link to the award nomination form.

Prize Categories:

J’onnelle Colbert-Diaz Award for Advocacy for Accessibility Equity: Recognizes individuals who have championed accessibility and/or influenced positive change that has improved accessibility within the campus community to ensure that all people can enjoy all the benefits of campus life. These advocates work behind the scenes to remove barriers.

Inclusive Education Award:recognizes a faculty member or person in a leading position in an academic setting who has contributed to the development of an inclusive educational environment or equal opportunities for students.

Inclusive Employment Award: Recognizes supervisors, managers, or department leaders who have worked to hire and retain employees with disabilities and to recognize best practices for employees with disabilities in the workplace. This award recognizes the efforts of individuals who go beyond what is minimally or legally required to create an inclusive, welcoming work environment.

Student Advocate Award: Recognizes outstanding efforts by undergraduate or graduate students to represent the identities of people with disabilities, build community on campus, or facilitate campus access through their advocacy or involvement.

Information about the awards ceremony:

The U of A Disability Awards Ceremony and Reception will be held on Wednesday, October 30, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Arkansas Union, rooms 507-511.

The awards ceremony will begin with a video presentation by renowned leader in disability rights and independent living, Professor Lex Frieden. Frieden is credited as one of the principal architects of the effort to pass the Americans with Disabilities Act and continues to work to advance accessibility, independence, and equal participation for people with disabilities in the United States and around the world.

Registration Information: If you are interested in attending the awards ceremony, please contact the Housing and Accessibility Department at 479-575-6208 or [email protected].