
‘Grumpy’ Grant slammed by foreman Dan for cheating

‘Grumpy’ Grant slammed by foreman Dan for cheating

One sec Block has experienced many fraud scandals, but the latest one is one of the most explosive!

Last week, House 2’s Grant, who was called “grumpy” by both cast and crew, had a falling out with Foreman Dan over gyprock music.

The couple, as well as his wife Courtney, were accused of ordering too much building material to build the walls and ceilings, giving them an unfair advantage over their competitors

Despite the signs, Grant and Courtney entered where they were not allowed. (Source: Channel Nine)

Now he and his wife Courtney have been accused of breaking rules yet again after they entered an office on the premises – which is off-limits to both participants and contractors – under the pretext of discussing development plans for the site.

The office contains details about upcoming construction and competitions – things the teams are not supposed to know about.

In a heated exchange, Dan asks Grant, “Mate, do you think you’re better than everyone else on this site? Do you think you have special privileges over everyone else? Rules are rules.”

Dan was visibly irritated. (Source: Channel Nine)

Although Grant denied that he and his wife felt they were “above the rules,” he refused to admit there had been any wrongdoing.

“I didn’t feel like I was at home drinking tea,” he shared.

After an earlier encounter with Ricky, who accused them of not paying their contract bills, Courtney was unable to recover from the day’s drama.

Grant denied he did anything wrong. (Source: Channel Nine)

Just days earlier, there had been another heated confrontation between the couple and website owner Foreman.

“He (foreman Dan) thinks we’re putting ourselves in an unfair position because we accidentally overordered from some home improvement store this week,” a visibly frustrated Grant told cameras at the time, denying accusations of fraud.

According to Dan, the band ordered over 40 Gyprock records for the four walls, which is significantly more than could be considered a simple mistake.

“If you have four walls, you don’t need forty sheets,” Dan explained to Grant, before revealing that breaking a cardinal rule would have “consequences” Block:”Do not order supplies in excess of what is needed for the current week.”

But they weren’t the only team to overbook, as additional Gyprock players showed up, including Maddie and Charlotte, and Kristian and Mimi.

While the Sydney sisters escaped Foreman Dan’s wrath thanks to Jesse and Paige ordering a plaster prock, Team Yellow and Team Purple weren’t so lucky – Grant threw his friends under the bus.

Foreman Dan was visibly frustrated with Grant’s decision to order too many materials for the site. (Source: Channel Nine)

Fast forward to Monday of week seven, where Dan made sure everyone knew before they started that it was Grant who had asked for an audit of each team and that they had “accidentally” ordered too many building materials.

He also revealed that it was Grant who told him that Ricky and Haydn had not taken part in mandatory pre-race training on Saturday.

As punishment, Houses 2, 3, and 5 are locked down for an hour, much to the disappointment of Kristian, Mimi, and the boys.

Grant is especially upset about being called a tease, going so far as to call Dan a “total liar” (despite being caught on camera impersonating other contestants).

Despite referring to Kristian as his “best mate” on The Block, Grant was quick to slam him and Mimi. (Source: Channel Nine)

“I know that everyone has been storing plaster on site for the last four weeks and they haven’t been punished for it,” Grant had shared with Dan just days earlier, claiming that he and his wife Courtney were wrongly attacked.

Dan, however, was not about to tolerate this, especially after his earlier conversations with Grant about pre-ordering furniture:

“You’re making fun of me, so I’m going to shut you down. I told you last time not to pre-order. You look at authority like it’s nothing,” Dan blurted out, adding that the Red Team “disrespected” him.

“We don’t have the space at work for you to overdo it with stuff. Furniture is one thing, now you’ve done it with plaster.”