
What should you know if your ascendant is in a cardinal air sign?


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If people have ever guessed that you are a different sign than you actually are, it’s probably because they noticed your rising sign. Representing your outer self, your rising sign or ascendant, this is the sign you show when making a first impression. And if you were born with a Libra rising, you are seen as a diplomatic, partnership-oriented, intellectual and balance-seeking person – even if your sun sign is more fiery and passionate, emotional and spiritual.

If you or someone in your life becomes a Libra rising, look no further for key details about what that means. Read this comprehensive guide that explains what a rising sign is, as well as the personality traits of someone born with a rising, or ascendant, in the cardinal air sign of Libra.

What is an ascending sign?

When you’re first diving into astrology, determining your sun sign is quite easy – the zodiac sign the sun was transiting through when you were born. But if you want to go a little deeper, the next step is to know your big three, which means figuring out your moon sign and rising sign. The Moon, which colors your emotionality, intuition and nurturing style, changes signs every two to two and a half days, so it is quite unique to your personal astrology. A rising or ascendant sign is a sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth and speaking to your skills, talents, and strategies you can adopt to succeed in life.

Because it affects your outer self, your rising sign may also influence your physical appearance. Scorpio risings, for example, seem mysterious, perhaps even a bit gloomy or intensely magnetic. And Libra heights seem graceful, elegant and tend to charm people with an endearing carefree and approachable smile.

The height changes every two hours, so it adds a particularly distinctive layer to your “astrological DNA.” The best way to know not only your rising sign, but all of your astrological placements, is to check your natal chart – especially the wheel or “wheel” version.

Once you have the chart in hand, look for the bold angle on the left side of the chart, at 9 o’clock, which will reveal your rising sign. The Rising is also the cusp of the First House of Self, and your ascendant or rising sign rules and characterizes your first house, which tells the story of your early childhood, self-image, first impressions, as well as new experiences and relationships.

Libra’s rising personality traits

If you were born with your Libra rising, it would be a good idea for you to familiarize yourself with the ruling planet of this sign, Venus, the planet of relationships, beauty, romance and values. You can think of Venus as the driving force behind Libra’s priorities and perspective. People born with a sunrise (or other placement, such as the sun or Mercury) in Libra value socializing, activities related to art and beauty, and the opportunity to bring more balance and aesthetics to a particular environment or space. And since Libra is associated with the Seventh House of Partnership, the sign also aims to cultivate and nurture one-on-one connections – whether romantic, platonic or professional.

That said, the Libra height usually comes across in initial interactions as someone who is a social butterfly – the host who usually has the most creativity, or at least appreciates a variety of artistic opportunities. They are benevolent peacemakers who will do everything in their power to avoid conflict because, given the influence of Venus, their mission is to fill their bonds and surroundings with greater harmony and peace.

Symbolized by Libra, Libra is also concerned with being fair and just, ensuring that both sides of any conflict are heard equally. For this reason, a Libra rising will show that he wants to be fair and even neutral and impartial when he senses an uncertain situation, whether it be shaking heads between mutual friends or discussing politics with a date.

And since, as mentioned earlier, your rising sign appeals to your physical appearance, it can also influence your sense of style, and Libra risings are generally polished and elegant, making even the style they wear all the time look fresh and new. tendency. (Example: famous, trend-setting Libra risers like Jennifer Aniston and Harry Styles.)


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Compatibility with increasing weight

Most Compatible with Libra Cultivation:

Balance-loving Libra rising people tend to get along best with anyone who has their rising or other key astrological placements in Gemini and Aquarius, given that they are equally intellectual, sociable and interested in being out in the world, mixing and mingling with others . They also tend to connect with people whose rising sign is driven, half-full, theatrical Leo or wanderlust-driven, playful Sagittarius – two action-oriented fire signs whose joy of life appeals to sweet Venus-ruled Libra.

Least compatible with Libra cultivation:

Although they are considered two sides of the same coin, Libra and Aries have difficulty finding common ground, largely because the fire sign Aries is on a constant mission to argue, debate and stir arguments in favor of excitement and fun, which is in basically the opposite of the peace and balance-seeking Libra MO.

People with their Libra advancement may also have difficulty getting on the same page as anyone whose advancement or other placement falls on the emotional, homely, and sometimes moody Cancer or the serious, hard-working, and stoic Capricorn.

Libra increases in friendship

Naturally sociable and committed to connecting with others, people who grow up in Libra place a high value on relationships of all kinds, including platonic bonds. Because they love taking the lead in planning and executing an unforgettable social event, working out all the details until they have perfected the perfect menu and aesthetic, they are often the first to suggest throwing a big holiday party or weekend soiree for everyone in their circle. While this scenario is undoubtedly true for Libra risings, they wouldn’t feel complete without at least a few – if not more – close one-on-one friendships, given the sign’s association with the Seventh House of Partnership. From the moment Libra is a baby and then enters adulthood, they will begin to mate with a special friend and then be attached to their hip.

Weight gain in romantic relationships

Libra’s love for partnership, romance and pleasure shows up in their love life. They love the classic romance and both expect and require their potential or existing partner to set the tone worthy of a cinematic love story (think: getting a date reservation at the place everyone in town has been clamoring for, or booking a couples massage at a fancy resort to celebrate an anniversary). . In short, they want to be deceived and have plenty of opportunities to flirt and enjoy carefree fun with the object of their affection. They will be happiest with someone who understands their love of going out with groups of friends and hosting parties or other social events, their need to express themselves through artistic possibilities and their sense of style, and their desire to prioritize beauty, pleasure and peace… enhancing experiences.

That said, an ideal Libra rising partner would be willing to rely on brain talk and mediation to resolve conflict, and is not at all a fan of picking fights, debating for fun, or causing ugly drama – all of which would give a Scales person goosebumps.

Weight increases at work

In their professional life, Libra may be interested in smoothing out rocky situations that exist in interpersonal relationships or in spaces and situations that lack beauty, balance, and/or justice. In other words, they may want to work as a therapist, mediator, lawyer, or perhaps an event planner, publicist, interior designer, or professional artist.

No matter what field he or she is in, the Libra rising manager values ​​honesty and strives to listen to both sides of any disagreements between co-workers before helping to find the fairest solution. And one of their main characteristics is that they take initiative and can come up with exciting, broader visions that they can propose and get the ball rolling.

Weight increases at home

When it comes to family life, Libra uprisings will bend over backwards to ensure that bonds with those closest and dearest are simpatico and that conflicts are resolved ASAP through productive, proactive interchanges or, perhaps less healthily, brushes with conflict. challenge under the carpet.

People who gain weight also try to improve aesthetics everyone the environment in which they spend time, but their home absolutely must be a sanctuary that reflects their distinctive, calming aesthetic. Thanks to their beauty-loving ruler, Venus, they have an eye for decorations and details that not only look nice, but also influence the energy of their home. For example, they will create the perfect collection of scented candles for a given season or come up with a fancy way to hang their plants.

This attitude goes hand in hand with the desire to keep your finances in order. Generally speaking, any aspect of their family life that seems out of order is sure to irritate and de-center the Libra ascendant, so as the cardinal sign taking the initiative, they will quickly locate and move to a proactive strategy to tip the scales back into balance.

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