
A school in Swindon has become the first to be honored for its domestic violence education

A school in Swindon has become the first to be honored for its domestic violence education

Oaktree Primary School

Oaktree Nursery and Primary School is the first school in Swindon to receive this award

A primary school has been honored for its support in the fight against domestic violence and teaching children about healthy relationships.

Oaktree Nursery and Primary School in Park South, Swindon, received the award after completing the Hope program through the Domestic Violence Support Service (SDASS) in Swindon.

As well as providing students with age-appropriate lessons on relationships, the program provides staff training on domestic violence and dedicated staff who organize school visits to local families.

Emma Maclennan, children and young people manager at SDASS, said: “Education is a key element in ensuring the next generation can live free from domestic violence.”

The school was the first to complete the program, which is open to all schools in the Swindon area, and received an award from SDASS Patron, Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire Sarah Troughton.

David Cheskin/PA Wire

The Hope Program provides training for school staff on domestic violence

Deputy headteacher Kate Howard said: “We are really proud of what we have achieved as a school through the Hope program and the outstanding work that SDASS does.”

She added that thanks to participation in the program, the school staff increased their knowledge and awareness of domestic violence and its impact on children.

Grade 6 students Ziad and Amaka took part in the lessons taught by two SDASS school support staff.

They said: “Heidi and Cassie taught us how to treat people equally and respect them.

“We especially enjoyed learning about each other and playing with each other throughout the year, saying what we love and what we don’t love about each other.”