
DTLA protesters demand action to address the rising cost of living in California

DTLA protesters demand action to address the rising cost of living in California

On Saturday, over a hundred demonstrators marched through downtown Los Angeles to protest the cost of living in California.

“It’s too high for our people to move out,” Miracle McKinney said. “We should have decent enough wages if we could live in the city where we work.”

According to a recent US News report, the cost of living in California is 30 percent higher than the national average. Los Angeles, on the other hand, was considered the second most expensive city in the United States.

“Companies are overpricing,” McKinney said. “(They) are raising rents without actually raising wages.”

On Saturday, protesters held signs that read: “Raise wages, lower rent.”

“We can’t afford trips and holidays,” said Liliana Hernandez. “First we have to pay rent, bills and figure out what we will eat during the week.”

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Hernandez works as a housekeeper in Santa Monica. She’s a single mom and says she’s just trying to stay ahead of the bills.

“I’m lucky to have a rent-controlled apartment, but my co-workers have to travel (from) Palmdale and Bakersfield,” Hernandez said.

On Saturday, demonstrators played music as they marched through downtown Los Angeles. Their message caught the eye of passersby.

“Wages are not rising, it is hard,” said Tajai Mcgehe as he walked past the protest. “Lower rent, you can’t be mad about it. It makes me want to jump in and join them.”

Protesters hope their message will lead to change.

“We are sending a message to corporations and owners,” Hernandez said. “We need an increase in wages and a reduction in rents.”