
Fedez’s bodyguard and his involvement in Milan Ultras

Fedez’s bodyguard and his involvement in Milan Ultras

Christian Rosiello is one of the most active members of Milan’s Curva Sud. He is a kickboxing and fitness trainer. In the past he was a member of ASD Boxe Bollate, taking part in several competitions. He is among the recipients of 19 preventive measures, between prison and house arrest, as part of a police and Gdf investigation that “dismantled the crooked leadership” of Inter and Milan. Among them are Luca Lucci and Renato Bosetti, the former boss of the Milan curve, and the latter the new boss of the northern curve of Inter after the arrest of Andrea Beretta for the murder of Antonio Bellocco.

Friendship with Fedez

He and Fedez have known each other for some time, but since the singer distanced himself from his wife Chiara Ferragni, she has been following him like a shadow. On May 6 last year, before the Roman Tribunal, the rapper appeared at the trial against Codacons escorted in front of cameras. However, two and a half years ago he was caught “escorting” his ex-wife to a park with their children. Rosiello would be employed by Fedez as a security guard under a regular employment contract. According to investigations, he was also with the singer at The Club on the night of the fight with Cristiano Iovino, a personal trainer who was allegedly beaten in a kind of punitive expedition outside his home on Via Traiano in Milan last April.

Hired by Fedez

Fedez’s case is already under investigation for a fight, injuries and assault in connection with the beating, but according to investigators, among the various aspects that require clarification is that related to the alleged economic links between the rapper and ultras from Milan, including Christian Rosiello. Indeed, it was learned that the ultras closest to the rapper, such as Christian Rosiello, would be paid for this “bodyguard” service and then, as in the case of Iovino, they would also be used to solve problems (in the case of a personal trainer, this would be a personal conflict between them) combined with intimidating or violent actions. Investigations in these aspects are ongoing, as in the Milan prosecutor’s office, in general, investigations into the world of curves and the related illegal business have been ongoing for some time.

Defense of the Curva Sud

Meanwhile, Curva Sud distances itself from the Fedez case and defends Christian Rosiello. On Tuesday afternoon, a post appeared on the Instagram profile “Banditi.curvasudmilano” with the official position of the ultras: “For several days, we have been witnessing a media frenzy about the private affairs of the singer Fedez.” Reference is made to the beating of personal trainer Cristiano Iovino and the alleged participation of Rossoneri fans in the ambush on Via Traiano, which took place on the night of April 21-22.

“Considering that he is a very popular figure – the note continues – this is perhaps not surprising, but what deeply outrages us is the spread of a completely false message that associates the name Curva Sud with Mr. Federico Lucia. We must repeat once and for all that Curva, understood as the group of people who have always followed Milan in every stadium to support the Rossoneri colors, has no connection with Fedez, either professionally or privately. The second part of the statement is dedicated to Christian Rosiello: his name is not given, but the mention seems obvious in the case of a man who for some time now appears by Fedez’s side at every public occasion, whether it is an evening at a nightclub or a trial court in Rome. “This concept (no connection with Fedez, ed.) must be clear and indisputable, regardless of the fact that each member of the curve (there are over 10,000 of us) has a private life that may happen to him among more or less famous people whose identity is not known to us due to obvious confidentiality reasons related to the signed contracts.

“We think it’s really mean and vile – we read on Instagram – all those who want to discredit someone’s work with fake news, slandering her name at all costs, even though they are a completely clean person (written in capital letters, ed.), employed on a permanent contract for work and despite many years of experience in the industry under a license issued by the state prefecture, necessary to perform his work. All this results in slander and defamation of a family man who has been working professionally in the industry for years and has cooperated with several VIPs and showbiz personalities.

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