
Tricks and Treats: These 10 Tricks Could Save Your Dog’s Life!

Tricks and Treats: These 10 Tricks Could Save Your Dog’s Life!

Dog training for safety reasons (photo: Freepik)

Our furry friends mean the most to us, they are basically part of our families and mean the world to us. That’s why we want them to be safe and not get hurt. We will hear tragic stories about Father many times dogs who accidentally ran into the street and got seriously injured, here are some tricks you can teach them that could one day save their life!

You can teach your dogs these tricks through positive reinforcement, regular exercise, or even with the help of a professional.


This is one of the most important tricks you need to learn dogS. The quick and easy-to-understand “Come” command allows you to recall your pet in case of potential dangers such as the road, other animals or unfamiliar territory. This is a command that must be learned carefully and will greatly help keep your dog safe. For example, if your dog gets scared of something, someone, or another dog and starts running crookedly, you shout, “Dog’s name! Come!”.

Leave it

Our fur babies have a habit of picking up or eating anything that is remotely edible. This teaches them how to resist this temptation and stop eating everything they find. This way, you can be sure that your dog will not eat anything harmful or poisonous. If you see your dog is about to eat something spicy or dangerous, you say, “Dog’s name, leave it.”

Teaching dogs to heel walk (photo: Freepik)


Not only does this teach your dog patience, but it also helps him avoid getting hurt or potentially hurting someone else. Your child or someone around you may get hurt, and your dog may unknowingly hurt them again, so telling them to stay will help them avoid getting hurt. This is also helpful when opening the door to your guests. Your dog may run away when he sees an open door. So staying indoors can help them stay calm and allow the guest to enter without much effort


This is also a trick that will allow your dog to be independent and help him stay calm and composed in difficult situations. This is training you do when your dog walks next to you without a leash. It’s difficult, but it shows that your dog trusts you and listens to you. Prevents dangers such as jumping out onto a busy street when off leash or getting tangled in the leash.

Some other little safety tricks

You can teach them to wait at the door when you leave or come in so that they don’t get hurt. You can teach them to do “target touch,” where you teach them to touch their nose with your hand to distract them from a dangerous situation.